"True love"

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Kind of based on the situation I'm in accept it's with my parents who keep teasing me about my crush and asking what he's called. Well, they now know what he's called but my mum keeps chanting it like his name is Beetlejuice and he'll appear if she says his name 3 times in a row.
Some good news though is that I told my new sports science teacher (my old teacher left to be a farmer lol) my pronouns and he just said "okay, cool" but I was so shakey lol.
Anyway, I'll stop rambling and I hope you have had a good day. Enjoy <3
~ Rhys <3

So, what's his name? - MH

For the last time, no matter how hard you try I won't tell you his name - SH

Not even if he's your true love - MH

You know we both don't believe in having "true loves" and he doesn't even know who I am - SH

I'm sure he knows who you are, you're loud enough - MH

Very funny, Mycroft, but I'm being serious. I've never talked to him before. I don't even know how to talk to people, nevermind a boy that I like - SH

Well, first you open your mouth and use your vocal chords to say hi - MH

You know what I mean, Mycroft - SH

You know how to talk to people. It's more of a confidence thing that you need to improve on - MH

How do I do that? - SH

Practice - MH

And how do I do that? - SH

By talking to other people and trying to make friends with them. Tell them about cases you've solved if you have to - MH

You want me to get bullied more than I do now? Anyway, I want to be able to talk to him not the whole school - SH

Then start off by simply saying hi to him if you see him in the halls or in class. You can start then by adding how are you when you gain the confidence then start the conversation from there. I'm sure if he's as nice and funny as you make him out to be then you're going to be alright - MH

That's harder than it sounds - SH

The more you speak to him, the easier it will get and the quicker you speak to him, the more time to get to speak to him. Who knows? Maybe you two will get together - MH

Probably not but at least one of us is hopeful - SH

Good luck, Sherlock - MH

Thank you, Mycroft - SH

You're very welcome - MH

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