How Long?

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    It's been at least three months. I've began losing hope of ever seeing the ghouls or church again. At least once a week I was brought to that creepy room to get my blood drawn to feed the vampires that live here. Because of this though they haven't treated me horribly like I would of thought would happen when one gets kidnapped. I didn't do that many choirs either and they feed me okay-ish food though it wasn't as good as the one back at the church. Me and Ella have been hanging out a lot to. She's super sweet and honestly feels like a breath of fresh air in this old dusty house. She always made sure I was feeling okay and always thanked me for her food (which kinda creeped me out but I do my best to ignore it). We usually hung around the manor but we normally stayed in the library to read or she would discuss random things that would happen around the manor.

   I walked along the halls knowing I was safe today because I had gotten my blood taken only the day before so I felt a little woozy as I made my way to the library because Ella wanted to have tea today. She was saying the day before that she wanted me to meet someone because she thought we could be friends but honestly I was kinda worried by her judgment of friends because she's close with Azalea.

   I made my way through the dimly lit halls to the library. I remembered how Rain was talking about the library at the church which I never got to visit. It hurt again my eyes started to burn and there was a lump in my throat along with a raging headache that I felt coming as I thought about my time at the church. It was only a few months but it felt like forever like I was meant to be there. I blinked a few times and swallowed the lump as I heaved my way up the stairs to the library.

    The library was warm because of the fire that was ablaze in the back of the room. The library itself was huge with two stories of shelves and stairs in the middle of the room to get to the second floor there where green colored couches that matched the ones in the living room. The room felt quite cozy and I spent most of my time in here reading even if Ella wasn't around.

I saw the back of Ella's head on the couch along with someone else that I didn't know who but they had long black hair.

   "Oh hello (Y/n)!" Ella smiled as she turned around causing the person next to her to turn.

   I froze. My blood felt cold.


    He was just looking at me. I was doing the same tho both of us just staring at each other. He looked scared his eyes were wide and I saw him shift into a different position on the couch. He opened his mouth and closed multiple times to debate if he should say anything. I felt my eyes welled with tears.

   "Do you two know each other?" Ella asked incredibly confused with her soft voice. Jax let out a cough.

   "I uh- yeah you could say that." He stuttered.

    "Jax.. what did you do?" Ella's soft voice was about to scold the vampire next to her.

   "More like what she did to me! Her hellish ghoul friend almost killed me!" He began to argue.

    "Why did he attack you?" She questioned. He went quiet.

    "I was going to bring her here." He whispered clearly knowing he was wrong. He was so quiet it was weird. Last time I saw him I thought he was trying to kill me.

    "Maybe the ghouls were trying to protect her, did you ever think of that?" Ella was getting annoyed.

    "I was just taking orders from Azalea." He put his arms up In defense. Ella gave a deep sigh.

    "I'm sorry about him. Here you can come sit on the other side of me he won't hurt you now. Right Jax?"

    "No I won't." He gruffed out. It reminded me of how Sodo would act.

    I made my way back to my room after we had tea. It wasn't a horrible experience but sitting in the same room as someone who murdered your best friend wasn't a pleasant experience either.

   Before I opened my door I saw Azalea standing there.

    "Ah hello darling how are you this afternoon?" He smiled down at me but I felt uneasy about his tone. I gave a smile and a thumbs up. "I know I took blood yesterday but I need more." My eyes went wide. I couldn't give him more I just gave him most of mine yesterday. I began shaking my head no and backing up. "Oh come on darling I'm not going to let you die." He went to grab me but I stumbled down causing him to only grab my locket. The chain snapped off my neck and you could hear little metal pieces clunk to the ground as I fell cold on the floor. I looked up at the vampire in front of me to weak to get up at this current moment. He opened the locket and looked at it for a few seconds before speaking up again. "You don't need this anymore." He looked down at me and snapped the heart shaped metal in the middle and shoved the broken necklace in his pocket. I couldn't even do anything. "Come on darling let's go you can rest later." He smiled down at me.

   I just felt broken I couldn't even cry anymore. I felt him pick me up to my feet but all I could do was look at the floor at all the little broken metal pieces. I blindly followed Azalea to the room not caring about anything anymore.

   I should've just stayed at my old church.

  Word count 1012

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