Chapter 5

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Windcharger and Bumblebee were in their robot form

Windcharger heard a Norma talking smack about Bumblebee form. He saw a better version and transformers into it

(7:10-7:19, Mikaela as Ange)

Ange: Now that's a car! ❤️

Windcharger chuckled slightly and looks to the stars

Windcharger: They are arriving...

(:32-8:36, Imagine that the scenery is Arzenal for the alley way, Ange as Sam and Mikeala as Tusk, Imagine that Ange's friends are there including the Arzenal personal, Windcharger next Optimus and Bumblebee)

*Optimus: This is Windcharger my best soldier, fighter pilot, and Bumblebee's partner* AFTER OPTIMUS PRIME INTRODUCED BUMBLEBEE AND GETTING LASERED BY RATCHET.

After that, Ange takes Autobots and her friends to her home to find the glasses.

Ange and her boyfriend Tusk went on ahead to find the glasses.

Optimus grew inpatient and transform and approached the house causing the others to do the same

After Ange sho off her father Autobots caused a scene by making a mess of the garden.

Her and Tusk enter her home and Optimus and the others gives her friends a lift up to her room to help out the search for the glasses

As the Autobots waits, Optimus talked to Ange and told him to be quiet for 5 minutes

Optimus: Autobots, fall back.

Windcharger walks in the center as he hears Ratchet and Ironhide pushing each other causing Optimus to be on their case

Then Ratchet hit a electric pole causing him to collapse.

Ratchet: Wow, that was tingling! Uhh, try that?

Ironhide: Yeah, that looks fun.

Windcharger: No thanks.

The electric pole caused a black out resulting Ratchet to shine his light at Ange's room.

Ange's parents were in the room resulting Optimus and the others to hide in tight corner spaces.

After Optimus had a argument with Ironhide to hurt Ange's parents Windcharger saw something in the distance.

Windcharger: Optimus, we have unwelcome guest coming in. I count about 5 to 7 black vehicles.

Optimus: Autobots transform and roll out.

As the Autobots pull out the mysterious vehicles park in front of Ange's home.

Autobots watches as a the group take Ange, her parents, including her friends for a ride.

Autobots pursuit to get there human friends back.

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