The kids would be fine without them for a few hours, despite Shouta's protests. Hizashi drove both of them to the mall in mostly silence, mostly, since the radio was on and Hizashi was quietly singing along with the songs as he focused on the road. Shouta spent the drive staring out of the window pretending he was in a sad music video.
"What you think bout Shou?" Hizashi asked his husband as they pulled into the mall's parking lot.
"That we should get the kid tested and put into classes," Huh, that's not what the blonde was expecting, "I think he'd do well in Gen Ed, and depending on his test I think he could do well in Heroics, I do have a spot open in my class if I have to subject myself to another problem child I might as well stick him where I can keep an eye on him."
"I mean, Gen Ed is my domain, if push comes to shove we could put him in 1C where I can keep an eye on him, I think that might kick Shinso into gear to take training seriously as well. How is Shinso's training going by the way?" He found a parking space on the second story and quickly parked the car. Both of them got out of the car and locked it as they walked away.
"It's like you said, he lacks motivation and has a huge chip on his shoulder, he's still mad at those with powerful quirks after what happened at the entrance exam and the sports festival. The fact that got as far as he did in the sports festivals shows his potential but the fact that he did near enough no training for it-"
"That doesn't sit well with you, does it?"
"It annoys me, you know how I got into heroics and how hard I worked to get there. It looks like Shinso wants to go down the same route but there's something holding him back. He has a lot of potential but until he shows what that potential can be I wouldn't feel right about moving him up to heroics, not before he's ready."
"That's understandable, he is a bright kid as well, get's top marks on all his coursework and exams, he's good in the knowledge department, he just needs a little shove in the practical department."
"He needs more than a shove."
They make their way through the automatic double doors of the shopping mall. With it being a Sunday the place was packed, Shouta grumbled at this. Students were meeting each other to go shopping, at the arcade, it looked like there were a few of them on dates in the food court. There were parents dragging around their children, buying back-to-school clothes and supplies, or just having a parent-and-kid day.
"Come on, it's not that bad." 'Zashi remarked as he grabbed ahold of Shouta's hand and dragged him to the first shop, which happened to be a clothing shop. The blonde picked out items as Shouta followed like a lost puppy behind him.
Hizashi picked up a few pairs of jeans in Danny's size, different colours and styles, a pair of indigo straight-leg jeans, another with rips in them, then some skinny black jeans and also some with rips in them, he wanted to give the kid a fashion choice. Next the tops, he picked up a few tank tops that would be good for training in, if he wanted to that is, a few space-themed graphic tees. He also picked up some pyjamas and joggers. And when Shou wasn't looking he slipped a black leather jacket and a dark brown bomber jacket into the basket. He turned back to his husband only to see him eyeing a Pacman sweatshirt.
"Good choice Shou, seen anything else you like for Danny?" He quickly picked up Danny's size for the sweatshirt and put that in the basket, after all, it was rare for his husband to pick out any sort of clothes. Shou just lifted his hand up to reveal a pair of high-top black converse and the other hand a pair of red trainers. Huh, when did they pass the shoes without 'Zashi noticing? "Thanks, Shou, I forgot about shoes, oh right we need socks and underwear as well." It took another ten minutes to find the required items in the packed store, but they found them and quickly headed to the checkout.
The cashier took a little while considering there were quite a few items and had even talked 'Zashi into their loyalty points scheme to save ten percent off the whole purchase, she had even separated everything into a few different bags, so it didn't weigh too much and only changed them for one bag.
"Wow, that's one big shop, changing your wardrobe." The cashier started wanting to make a friendly conversation instead of scanning in silence.
"Something like that, we've sort of just taken in a kid that pretty much only has the clothes on his back." The blonde joined in while Shou shoved his hands in his pockets and hid the bottom of his face in his capture weapon. Both of them might be in their civies but the scarf was more of a precaution.
"Oh bless him, not to be presumptuous but he's lucky you two have taken him in, sound like you really care for the kid. Anyway, altogether that's ¥64135.65."
"How much?!" Shou exclaimed.
"It's a full new wardrobe Shou,"
"Still, we still got to buy bedding and other things as well."
"We can afford it, besides this is coming out of Nezu's account."
"Oh, can we add anything else then?"
"Behave Shou, we're buying him what he needs for now, we'll bring him shopping later for him to pick out things he wants." Hizashi quickly paid and thanked the cashier, he felt kind of bad since now a line for the till had grown and she would have to deal with that, but well that's not his problem.
They headed to the furniture store next to pick up bedding, pillows and blankets. They managed to find a bedding set that had star constellations on it, as well as a fluffy star pillow and a glow-in-the-dark ghost pillow, they found a dark galaxy blanket with an astronaut floating in the middle, glow-in-the-dark ceiling stickers and a red beanbag chair that Hizashi insisted on. Not once did Shouta look at the price.
They still had more stuff to buy but both of their arms were full. They made a quick trip back to the car to deposit everything, all while someone was waiting in their car for them thinking that they were leaving. Hizashi had to apologetically wave them away while the driver huffed at them.
"Alright, the last things on the list are toiletries and electronics. Wanna split up and get the stuff?"
"Sure, just leave me alone in a crowded place, what could go wrong."
"Oh behave, you have Nezu's card on your phone, you buy the toiletries and I'll buy the electronics, we'll meet back at the food court." And with that the husbands separated, going to their targeted objectives.
Shouta ended up buying everything blueberry scented. While Hizashi bought Danny the newest smartphone and got it set up ready for him with his and Shouta's number in it. Next was a laptop, he was assured by the shopping assistant that it was perfect for school work and anything else the kid would need, they also set up the laptop for his as well. Hizashi also picked up a pair of wireless headphones, can't listen to his radio show without headphones.
They both met up again, grabbed some lunch then headed back to the car, leaving this time. They headed back to UA having no idea of what they had subjected their students to.

FanfictionIt's the middle of the night when Danny's ghost sense goes off, he just wanted one full night of sleep but it looks like he's not going to get that anytime soon. He goes to investigate which ghost decided to pop up in the middle of the night (hopefu...