050. dream life

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Natalie groans as her phone ringing wakes her up. She feels Noah's arm draped across her waist, the man stirring at the ringing noise.

Natalie blindly reaches around her nightstand until she finds her phone. She squints to see who's calling and she huffs as she answers.

"What, Dean?" She grumbles, rubbing her face.

"Natty?" Dean asks.

"Dude, you know I hate that stupid nickname." Natalie rolls her eyes.

"Look, I don't know where I am." Dean says.

"What?" Natalie asks, concern growing. "What do you mean?"

"I mean the Djinn attacked me. It put its hand on me and I woke up in a house next to a hot chick." Dean says.

"You mean Carmen?" Natalie asks.

"Who?" Dean asks.

"Dude, you're fucking wasted." Natalie says.

"No, I'm not. I'm not drunk." Dean says.

"Yeah, okay." Natalie scoffs.

"I'm serious, Natty." Dean says. "And I don't know where the fuck my daughter is either."

"What daughter?" Natalie asks.

""What daughter?" Who do you think? I mean Ophelia." Dean says.

"Dean, you're super drunk. You don't have a daughter." Dean says.

"Wh-what?" Dean asks, Natalie swearing she hears sadness in his tone.

"Dean, you can barely look after yourself, let alone a whole ass child. You have no children." Natalie seems to have to remind him. "Did you take drugs or something?"

"What? No! No. I did not take drugs." Dean says.

"Okay, look, just-- I'll see you tomorrow. Go to bed, Dean." Natalie tells him.

"Wait, wait, don't hang up. Nat--" She hangs up, putting her phone up. Natalie sighs and settles on the bed, cuddling into Noah's side.

"Dean okay?" Noah asks.

"Yep. Just another drunk escapade." Natalie mumbles, yawning.

Noah reaches over and silences Natalie's phone.

"Thank you." Natalie mumbles.

"Mm-hmm." Noah hums, both falling back asleep.

Dean calls Sam who picks up.

"Dean?" Sam answers.

"Sam?" He asks.

"What's going on?" Sam asks.

"I don't know. I don't know where I am."

"What? What happened?"

"Well, the, uh, the Djinn. It attacked me. Nat's not making any sense."

"You called Nat? Wait, the gin? You're... drinking gin?"

"No, asshat. The Djinn. The... scary creature. Remember? It put its hand on me and then I woke up... next to some hot chick."

"Who? Carmen?" Sam lets out a small laugh,

"Who?" Dean asks. "And also, I can't find Ophelia."

"Who's Ophelia?" Sam asks.

"My daughter." Dean hisses.

"Daughter?" Sam laughs. "Yeah, right. Dude, if you had a kid, they probably wouldn't last a week."

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