Enid's POV:
She awoke to quite the sight. Wednesday was laying on her chest, one arm wrapped around her torso. Enid had somehow tangled one of her hands in Wednesday's hair, and the other one was around her waist. She began to panic. What did she do? Did she wake the sleeping girl up? She didn't want to, but she needed to get up anyways. Just before she did, Wednesday stirred. She let out a small sound, and opened her eyes, which darted around before meeting with Enid's. "Uh- hi..." Wednesday sat up, face completely red "I-I don't know how that happened..." Enid stared at the red faced girl for a moment "I'm sorry I didn't wake you up sooner you-you just looked so peaceful and I didn't know if you were having a dream or not and-" Enid's rambling was cut short by Wednesday holding her hands. "It's okay Enid. I kind of liked it..." Enid blushed. Enid guessed that Wednesday was gay. Her background on her phone a sunset in the colors of the lesbian flag. She didn't know if she knew what it meant, or if she just liked the colors. Wednesday did like sunsets. Wednesday laid back down on her side, facing Enid. She did the same, looking deep into those dark beautiful eyes. She could see a small amount of brown in them. "Enid... you're staring" Enid was brought back into reality. "O-oh. Should I look away?" Wednesday thought for a moment "no. I don't think you should" Enid smiled softly, and then she noticed something. Wednesday had freckles. They were faint, but there. They dotted the bridge of her nose and under her eyes.Wednesday's POV:
Wednesday was staring deep into Enid's eyes. They were pretty. They were mostly blue but had hints of green in them. She meant to say it to herself but said it out loud: "your eyes are pretty" she saw the other girl blush and ask "w-what?" "Your eyes. They're pretty. They have hints of green in them." She saw Enid's face turn a deep pink "I-thank you, wens." Wednesday almost smiled at the nickname. Almost. She suddenly had an idea. She was feeling overly confident, and reached out to push a lock of hair behind Enid's ear, before cupping her exposed cheek. She saw Enid get even redder, but she reached up and rested her hand on Wednesday's. They sat like that for a while before Enid spoke up "you have freckles, did you know that?" Wednesday seemed a bit surprised. "I didn't. Do I really? I've always wanted freckles." Enid smiled and nodded, she scooted a little closer and rested her forehead against Wednesday's.

Breaking the ice- Wenclair
FanfictionLoosely connected Wenclair one shots - I won't be updating this anymore, the hyperfixation died out, maybe I'll pick it up when season 2 comes out