Before Tommy could say another word, he was pulled back into the flurrying cottage with a younger Drista crying at the woman's side.
The snow still made him shudder as he watched the woman's body begin to shake viciously in front of him.
He felt a shiver down his spine as he watched the gruesome cries of the lady in front of him, gasping for mercy.
It was a completely different aura than earlier and he felt conflicted at the sight.
That's when he noticed a woman dressed in black, brushing her fingers against the woman's pale face.
As her eyes rolled back and her skin turned paler, Tommy observed Drista's horrified face. She was holding back her tears, biting her pointer finger with shock.
Her tears just continued to stream miles down her cheeks and soak the wood beneath her feet as she let out a blood curdling scream.
His ears rang louder than any bell that he had heard in his lifetime and he felt his own eyes well up at the sight before him.
There wasn't a single thing he could do. He froze in place as the woman in black looked at him sorrowfully.
As she appeared in front of him in a blink of an eye, she pressed her forehead against his.
"Your mother has moved on, child....XD has taken possession of your soul....You can't go in there to comfort your little matter how much you want to," She stabbed him with dreadful words as his mouth hanged open and his eyes widened.
His body moved on its own as he pushed her aside and opened the door with disbelief.
"DRISTA! I'M HERE!" He yelled as he ran to her side.
When he dived to cradle her though, he felt himself crash into the wall.Tommy's hands raised themselves up towards his eyes as he looked at them and back at Drista.
As he reached his hand out once again, He felt his fingers go through her and Tommy couldn't help but feel his own fear bubble up.
The woman drenched in ink black appeared once more as tears began to slip from his pupils.
"Please...don't give me the pain of saying it twice," The lady pleaded as Tommy emitted a spine-chilling scream himself.
"Mercy XD...Please..mercy..." He cried. Instead, his head was suddenly swarmed with pain and he was burned in the chest.
I refuse such childish weeping...
"Why..." He breathed, slamming his hands against the woman.
She stood there unfazed, watching as his labored breaths led to his chest tightening and his legs giving out.
Why was fate always so cruel?
Why was destiny such a horrible thing?Why?"For so long I've been wandering the plains of the afterlife, straining myself over this question. It has been a scavenger hunt with no prize at the end as I find myself in this wasteland I've created for myself. I had learn to forge hatred years back but if I had considered to let it go at that moment, maybe XD wouldn't have chosen me as his champion. Maybe my mother would still be alive as well as my sister. Maybe the Phoenix could still live,"
Karl read the text, scanning his fingers over each individual word.
"'re hurting inside. You're suffering on the inside. You're dreading the inside. But what if for once you accepted it?"
Karl felt himself pause.
Tommy just looked at the man in front of him. The Humpty Dumpty that stood before he could be put back together again.
Not fully, but just enough.Just enough...
"I'll promise you exchange, help me take down a God."
So a deal was made.
A page was read.
A pain was shared.And an idea was given.
"I know how to help..."
Karl laughed, placing his goggles on his forehead and holding the clock in his hands."I know how to fix it!" He sighed, pressing the button and whooshing himself away.
Short and rushed.Blame me later-
Hope you still enjoyed!
What do you guys think so far? What are your thoughts?
Remember, drink plenty of water, eat three meals a day, and get a goodnight sleep,
unless you wanna stay up ;)

Why Did You Save Me.....?
FanfictionOver and over he told himself, "it was never supposed to happen that way, I'm supposed to eat alone, live alone, starve alone, cry alone, DIE alone!!" So he wondered to himself, Why did it happen anyway? Why did faith twist his path? Why did its ey...