Chp.14 The Train

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As we left off, Lee and the rest have abandon Lilly for the actions she has it/ just Lee, Ken, Kat, Duck so far, (YN), Clem and Ben....
One morning, Kenny stop the RV as a train was blocking their way...

Kenny: Damn, roads block...and we gotta deal with this.

Kenny stops the RV, as everyone gets off and observing the train...(YN) and Clem got off the RV...and to look at Kat, holding Duck, as he look very sad, and not to goo at all as they go and sat down on a log together while Ben, Lee and Kenny observe the train...

Ben: Think there's a way around it?

Kenny: Don't look like it, on foot maybe, but can afford to do that now.

Lee: Well this area seems safe, all this brush will stop anything from creeping up on us.

Ben: Why don't we take a look around?

Lee: Yeah, me and Ben will check it out, everyone can relax here, (YN), Clem, stay close with Kenny and them okay?

Clem/(YN): Okay.

Katjaa: Also Lee, if you come across anything to drink, I think Duck's a bit dehydrated.

Kenny: It's a freighter hon...but be careful you two.

Lee: Right.

Lee and Ben approach to the train closer, as they open one of the boxcar door, got in and to surprisingly see some supplies, that were used...

Ben: Woah!

Lee: Looks like someone's been living here.

Ben: Seems like it, think they're gone?

Lee: I hope so, but looks recently use, so be on your guard and keep an eye.

Ben walks around and see anything he finds, Lee then spits out a clipboard, and to have a map...

Lee: A map...this train heads to the coast, Route 27, Savannah...that's where we're going!

Lee also luckily finds a bottle of water for Kat, he hops off the boxcar and to head to the others and hands Kat water...

Lee: Here you go Kat.

Katjaa: Oh thank you Lee.

Lee: No is he?

Katjaa: ...I don't know, tired, but it could mean a lot of things, right?

Lee: Yeah, his body is fighting whatever's in there.

Katjaa: Exactly.

Lee: So...has Clem or (YN) have said anything? Like about Duck? Lilly? ...Or Carley...? I'm worried about them.

Katjaa: ...No, those little ones are a puzzle.

Lee: Yeah, they are.

Katjaa: Poor Carley...god, where did yesterday go?

Lee: ....I don't know.

Katjaa: ...Are you okay? I know you two had a fond together, especially her with you.

Lee: ...I was, this may not be the time for falling love, or a romance and all but...I was fond with her, yeah. Anyway, let me know if anything changes here.

Kat nods as Lee approaches to Kenny and hands him the map...

Lee: Seems like our trip has gotten better.

Kenny: Woah! Is fucking way! These tracks....lead right to Savannah! Holy Hell, can you guys try and see if you can move the train, we might be onto something!

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