Chapter 3. birth

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Chapter 3 Birth

I had already tried to come out myself. I tried biting around me to free myself. I was going to die soon if i didn't get out. When I heard mommy scream i stopped and cried. How could i do this. I would never be able to get out myself. This would kill mommy instantly. I knew daddy and Rosalie would realize soon and get me out to save mommy. Mommy dropped to the floor, jerking around. I cried this time full tears. This was going to end badly after all. I wouldn't get to meet mommy at all. This thought actually annoyed me. How could I be so selfish. My mommy was dying and all i could think about was meeting her. Mommies life was at risk to save mine. She was still in Rosalie's arms. But there was no sound or movement. Couldn't they see what had happened, why wasn't they helping her. Mommy i love you so much. I whispered touching her. I knew i would be coming out soon. I couldn't breathe at all. I needed to come out. I had tried once already. But with mommy jerking around in pain. I could never do that again.

I felt someone scoop mommy up and run up the stairs. Mommy didn't know anything else that had happened till I had been born. Daddy had to tell me what happened but he thought i wouldn't want to know full details because it wasn't a pretty sight. He told me he freaked out when mommy dropped, He could hear me inside. I remember thinking i need to come out get me out please. Daddy could hear this. That is why they hurried up to get me out. Apparently daddy knew what i was capable of and if he could get there first he would save me and mommy.I tried to be patient but i really did want to meet mommy. Mommy was unconscious at the time. She was still breathing but only just. Which meant i wasn't getting the oxygen I needed. So if mommy died then i would also die.

Once mommy was laid down on the bed as daddy told me. I heard daddy yell "Morphine" I took it that he yelled at Rosalie. As far as i knew only daddy and Rosalie were in the room.  I didn't know what Morphine was i presumed it would help mommy. I did ask daddy what it was, he told me it was a drug that helped mommy.

"Alice----get Carlisle on the phone!". I heard Rosalie screech at my auntie Alice. I could see lights, very bright lights on top of me. I was scared because they were so bright and white. I didn't know what was happening. I could hear Jacob in the room as well. Everyone was screaming orders at each other. I could feel mommy being pinned down. I heard Rosalie pulling mommies clothes off. It was scary i was shaking. I did really think that would be it. Mommy hadn't moved since the scream. She hadn't spoken or moved. Daddy told me mommy was nearly dead then. Her body was still and stiff. Her face was a very pale white. Daddy said that he thought it was too late already. They still carried on saving mommy. I remember being very still trying not to make mommy choke on her sick and die. I was torn apart, my life over before it had even begun. I was so upset and anxious. Will mommy pull through this? Will i actually see her alive? I know i would love her, over the last month i have grown to love mommy and i know she loves me, but would she love me if i killed her and would daddy kill me? I was still nervous about all of this. I was also suffocating. I couldn't breathe at all.

I heard someone ask. "What's happening, Edward?". I knew Edward was my daddy. I think the voice i heard was Jacob's.

I just asked my daddy and he said. "Yes it was Jacob's". So its settled.

By now I couldn't breathe and I was trying to get out or at least find a way to breathe. I was panicking and moving around. I had to hold my breath for what seemed like a lifetime. I could hear mommies heart beating very rapidly. I could only just hear it, I couldn't see anything now. Like a blackout, I was dying falling unconscious to never wake up. Probably like my mommy.

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