The next day, August and Athena were sleeping in their bed at the Bed and Breakfast, when he woke up due to his leg shaking uncontrollably. He attempted to grab his leg, but ended up stiffly falling out of bed, waking Athena up in the process.
Athena sat up in bed, seeing the empty side of bed, "August?" she walked around the bed, seeing him on the floor, "August!" Athena rushed over to the phone and dialed a number, putting it to her ear, "Hey, you there?" she listened in, "Good. This is taking too long..." she looked at August, "We need to accelerate the plan," Athena said.
Across the street from the pawnshop, Athena, August and Henry were hiding behind a bunch of crates.
"It's almost nine," the two adults turned to face Henry, "You all set? You know what to do?" Athena asked.
"Operation Cobra is always ready. I just..." Henry said.
"You just what?" Athena asked.
"I don't understand what this has to do with getting Elias and Emma to believe," Henry said.
August peered out around the crates before turning back to Henry, "Sometimes other priorities assert themselves. Can you handle a little improvisation?" August asked him.
"Yeah. Can you two?" Henry asked them.
Athena and August smiled, "We're a go," Athena said and she patted Henry's back before he ran across the street to the pawnshop.
As Henry entered the pawnshop, the bell rang signaling that a customer had entered, and Mr Gold emerged from the backroom, confused by Henry's appearance.
"Hey, Mr Gold!" Henry said.
"Good morning, Henry. What can I do for you?" Mr Gold asked.
"I want to get a gift for Miss Blanchard," Henry said.
"Oh, I see," Mr Gold said.
"Since...she didn't kill that woman," Henry said.
"Good thinking," Mr Gold said as he walked up to him.
As Henry distracted Mr Gold, Athena and August snuck into the backroom through the backdoor. August quietly shut the door before joining Athena, who was already looking around the backroom.
Mr Gold walked into the back, seeing Athena and August, "Can I help you?" Mr Gold asked.
The two of them looked at him surprised, "Yeah...we're looking for some maps. We're collectors," August said.
"Yes...well, there's maps through in the shop, this is my office," Mr Gold said.
"We thought this was the entrance," Athena said.
"It's not. The shops are in there," Mr Gold said as he gestured with his cane through the curtain to the showroom. Athena and August walked out of the backroom, and Mr Gold looks around suspiciously.
Meanwhile at Storybrooke General Hospital, Kathryn was awake and being assessed by Dr Whale, who noticed Elias and Emma waiting outside the room.
"Elias, Emma. Come on it. Look who's awake," Dr Whale said.
The twins entered the room, "Kathryn, hi," Elias walked to her, "Listen, we don't wanna take a lot of your time, but do you remember what happened?" Elias asked.

FanfictionWe know the story of Emma Swan, mother of Henry, daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming. But what about the story of Elias Swan, father of Henry, twin brother of Emma Swan, oldest child of Snow White and Prince Charming. Emma and Elias Swan grew...