Part Twelve: A Date With Ashton's Boyfriend

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It was two days later, and you practically shaking at the knees as you got ready for your 'date' with Ashton's boyfriend, who remained nameless to you. You had begged and pleaded with Ashton to set you up with anyone, and you did mean anyone, else but he had said that his boyfriend was the only guy he could trust with going on a fake date with you. He said, quote, "A straight guy will wanna get in your pants. The point is to make Mike jealous, not break him. Which is why a gay guy is perfect, he won't actually 'hit' on you, persay, but he'll make it seem real." Unquote.

You were having massive second guesses about this entire thing, regretting your agreement with Ashton but it was too late to turn back now. He had texted you two hours earlier that his boyfriend would be waiting at the local ice skating rink at 7:00-ish since he knew for a fact Mikey went there every other Friday. It was only 6:35 but the ice rink was a ten-minute drive away, and you needed extra time to layer up since it'd be cold in there.

Ashton was so set on getting you to go on this date that he even bought you ice skates, so you wouldn't have to rent out, quote, "Disease-ridden, stinky, and they're probably older than my mum skates." Unquote. Ashton was really something else. But, that's why you loved him (in a friend way, of course). The skates were white with a really cool-looking blue design on the side and though Ashton had told you that you weren't supposed to, you swapped out the original white laces for ones that were a vibrant shade of blue to match the design.

(Quick A/N: Picture above minus the blue laces, but I think blue laces would look better, tbh. ANYWAYS)

When you were finally ready, in layers from head to foot, you slipped on your Y/F/S/B (your favourite shoe brand) boots, grabbed your new ice skates and left the house. You got into your car, checking the time. 6:48. Perfect, that was just enough time to get to the rink by 7:00. Ish.

>Le Time Skip Because Car Driving Scenes Are Boring Even If You're With Someone<

You finally arrived at the rink, getting a slight burst of nostalgia due to the fact that you grew up ice skating here with your family. Once inside, you began to look for a guy that matched Ashton's description of his boyfriend: curly brown hair, light green eyes, broad shouldered, and dimples 'deeper than the Grand Canyon.' While wandering around the lobby area aimlessly, skates in one hand and your beanie in the other, you see someone in the far corner of the room. He has longish, curly, brown hair and is holding a small, paper sign that says: Miss Y/F/N Y/L/N.  Under your name, in parenthesis (not to mention far less neat handwriting), was written
(I'm here for Ashton).

You walk up to the tall lad, and once you got closer, he smiled at you, which you returned without second thought. You noticed Ashton was right; this guy did have dimples deeper than the Grand Canyon. "I'd reckon that you're Ashton's boyfriend," you say, meeting his light green eyes. "You are correct. And I suppose that makes you Y/N," he responds, raising an eyebrow.


"In that case, Miss Y/N," he said, grabbing your mittened hand. "I'm Harry. Harry Styles." He placed a kiss atop your hand like a gentleman. Now you understood why Ashton was in love with him. He was polite and, so far, quite a sweetheart. "I'm enchanted to finally make your acquaintance," Harry muttered, shaking the hand he still held before releasing it. "Oh, aren't you the sweetest?! The pleasure is all mine, Mister Styles," you reply with a small giggle. "Shall we," he asks, gesturing to the door that led to the ice before offering you his arm. "We shall."

(A/N: Ashton's boyfriend is Harry Styles. #SorryNotSorry. As suggested by @Georgia_Nixon. I would dedicate it to you if I knew how but I don't so I won't. Still love you loads, though!!! :3)

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