Chapter 10 - What Trauma?

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"So, you have a sister?" Midoriya asked as he sat down in one of the bedside seats, "sorry if that's invasive! I just, both of us," he looked over to Bakugo then returned his gaze to Danny, "are only children. You don't have to answer-"

"Dude, chill, you're fine." Danny chuckled as he cut Midoriya off from going into a mumble storm. Bakugo moved into the room, he took the other seat that Present Mic was in and folded his arms, making it as evident as he can that he didn't want to be there. "You're allowed to ask questions." Midoriya seemed to light up.

"Oh god, you have no idea what you've just done," Bakugo muttered from his sulk. Midoriya glared at the blonde.

"So, you have a sister?" He asked again.

"Yeah, her name's Jasmine, but she hates being called that so we call her Jazz."

"What's she like?"

"Oh, she's like super smart, just like our parents, in fact, she's just about to go to college to study psychology, heck she keeps reading those stupid papers, then using the tricks she's learnt from them on me, it's annoying, but that's what she wrote her entrance paper on. She can be super annoying and butt into things that she really doesn't need to butt into, but well, I can't really complain, at least she cares, I mean, she practically raised me." Midoriya's brows furrowed slightly.

"What about your parents?" Danny took the question like he took the question about Jazz, innocent curiosity and not 'if your sister raised you where the heck were your parents you mentioned' kind of curiosity.

"They're both scientists, renowned in their field, they study ecto-ology, create ecto-weapons, devices and for like the past eleven years they were building a portal to the ghost zone in our basement," Midoriya and Bakugo looked like they wanted to stop him there and ask questions, Bakugo was leaning forward in his chair with his chin in his hands and elbows resting on his knees. "My dad's like this massive goofball, but he's super smart, my mom is like a genius, likes she's the one that comes up with all weapons designs, she even made a lasergun in the shape of her lipstick."

Maybe they shouldn't ask about this so-called ghost portal in the basement, which seemed like a can of worms neither of the boys wanted to open just yet. Bakugo and Midoriya shared a look then refocused back on Danny.

"Can I ask, what's their quirks?"

Danny furrows his brows then a look of understanding crosses his face, "oh, quirks, I forgot that's what you call powers. Erm, none of my family has a 'quirk' as you call it, I'm the only one, and that's questionable at times."

Midoriya hears a quiet 'what the fuck' coming from the corner of the room in the shape of an angry boy.

"So, you have a quirk but your entire family is quirkless?"


Midoriya felt like ripping his hair out, "how?" He groaned into his hand while drawing out the single word.

"Oh, it was kind of a freak accident really, I was born 'quirkless', and had no powers until I was like fourteen,"

'Well, that sounds familiar.' Both Midoriya and Bakugo thought.

"And that portal that I mentioned, the one my parents built in the basement, well, they had just finished it around my birthday, literally just turned fourteen, but they were complaining that it wasn't working. They were gonna take a few days, get clear heads then go look at it again. So, my friends, Sam and Tucker, were curious about it, cause like, they've been building it for most of my life, and like we thought there was no danger cause it didn't work. Well, I got down there, I put one of my parent's jumpsuits on and Sam thought it would be a great photo op to get a picture of I'm in the portal, but I kind of tripped on the way in and turns out my dad put the on switch on the inside of the portal. I accidentally switched it on with me inside of it, it electrocuted me to death, tore my DNA apart and infused it with ectoplasm and brought me back to life. After that I kinda had the powers of a ghost, so like, anything a ghost can do I can do. Are you two ok?"

Both of the boys had gone completely pale and both of them looked horrified, Midoriya's face looked like it was trying to make all of him go green to match his hair and eyes, and tiny explosions were popping from Bakugo's hands.

"Fuck-, Aizawa weren't kidding when he said you like to trauma dump," Bakugo responded.

"Trauma dump? I don't think I was, just telling you how I got my powers."

Bakugo had taken over the conversation since Midioriya had blue-screened, "and you find none of what happened traumatic at all?"

"I mean, dying, even if was just for a millisecond, sucked and I hate getting static shocks now, but I kinda don't remember much of it, plus I got some awesome powers out of it, even though there are some drawbacks, like my parents hunting my ghost half, having to fight ghost that escapes the ghost zone on a daily bases, I don't think I've had a proper night sleep in a year and a half and my grades had gone from straight A to barely passing since they like to attack when I'm at school."

"Can't you let the adults or Pro-heroes deal with that?"

"Well, no really, my parents are the only ones that have any idea of how to fight them, other than myself, and we have no Pro-heroes in my town, so I'm kinda the default hero, even if the media do paint me in a negative light, and every ghost just kinda just goes after me anyway since I'm one of the only two halfas."

"Halfas?" Bakugo asked as another pop was released from his hand as he grit his teeth.

"Ya'know, half dead, half alive, as Sam says I'm a living corpse possessed by my own ghost."

"I think I'm going to throw up," And Midoriya ran to the bin in the room.

"Is he ok?" Danny innocently asked.

"Nope, and I don't think you are either." 

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