Adia's POV
I woke up with Curtis's tail wrapped around both of us. He was lightly snoring if it could be called that more like heavy breathing.
I crawled out of his tail and all of the sudden.
Adia, I see you are doing well
Karuun? How are you?
I've been better, I and the other gods have been fighting lately about me sending you here, they wanted Bai qingqing instead of you, they thought you would be 'unfit' unlike Bai qingqing, she's just been a spoiled brat this whole time, I don't even know where to start...
Ooh, please do tell, I do love a good steaming cup of tea
Tea? Is that the 'slang' you use in your world?
I mean drama, and spilling the tea means telling me everything so, spill the tea, my friend!
I start from the beginning, she came here in the forest, not too far from where you were, and a wolf pack chased her. Parker, a leopard beastman, saved her, she's been nothing but disrespectful and abusive to him.
She even covered herself in freckles to make herself look 'ugly'. It isn't ugly on females, just in males and so is scars. She's currently fighting a girl Rosa the tiger princess, about something right now. They are fighting over Parker.
It's so frustrating and the other gods think it is fine for her to act like that. Most are still neutral with you, though a few do like you better than Bai qingqing.
Which gods like me if I may ask?
There are 2 that like you, Garrison, he's the God of Snakes, mischief, and trickery. And there's Mylo, the god of sheep, farming, and cultivation.
I have a few more questions, First what beastmen are you? Second, what the hell is redacted supposed to mean? And lastly, why do those gods like me?
I am an ape beastmen Adia, I am not like the ape king, whatever you do, do NOT listen to him. I hate him I shall give you a mission regarding him later, he has killed hundreds for his plans I wish he was killed.
For your second question, redacted is a special gift, it'll prevent the other gods from hurting you. I know all 14 of them, their emotions will switch as fast as you can say 'hunt'. And it'll be for later, you'll see...
The last question, Garrison likes the fact you aren't cruel to ferals, unlike most females. And Mylo just hates Bai too. He's very smart and is just that way. She keeps disrespecting the fact that rice here takes forever to grow.
She's from china or Japan, right? So she's used to eating it every day right?
Yes, you are correct. She's very shallow Garrison, Mylo, and I plan to send her back. She's a nuisance. Now, I heard you plan to find blue lilies right?
Yes, I am, let me guess Elliott told you?
Yes he did, Curtis will be so surprised, oh before I forget winter is short here so it'll be only a month and a half long. Enjoy life Adia, I shall contact you later.

The Beast World's Gift (Discontinued, another one being written)
FantasyHello! This is a story around a few Wattpads and a few Manhuas I have read, now some of these characters will be mine, and some won't, the Manhua I'm mainly basing this off is Beauty and The Beasts, I recommend it if you are into transmigration Nove...