017. dying dean

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"What do you got those amped up to?" Sam asks his brother as Dean takes tasers out.

"A hundred thousand volts." Dean answers.

"Damn." The twins chorus.

"Yeah, I want this rawhead extra frickin' crispy. And remember, you only get one shot with these things. So make it count." Dean says.

"All right, you two, don't leave this car. No matter what." Dean tells Ophelia and Libby.

"I know, I know. Stay here." Ophelia huffs out the rule repeated so many times. Dean leans in the window kisses her on the head.

The three siblings go into the house and go down to the basement.

"On three. One, two, three." Dean whispers. He swings the cabinet door open, finding a young boy and girl inside, covering their ears.

"Is it still here?" Sam asks and the two kids nod.

"Okay. Grab your sister's hand, come on, we gotta get you out of here. Let's go, let's go." They start to go upstairs and as Sam follows, something reaches through the steps and grabs his leg, yanking him down.

"Sam!" His siblings shout. The children scream and run to the top of the stairs. Dean shoots at the monster, but misses.

"Get 'em outta here!" Dean shouts.

"Here." Natalie gives him her taser before she rushes up the stairs. She helps Sam up before rushing to the children.

"Come on, guys." Natalie urgently ushers them out of the house with Sam.

"Okay, you stay with them, I'm going back in." Sam says.

"Wh-- wait, Sam!" Natalie calls, but he's already back inside. "Okay, you two, come on. You're gonna get in the car. My nieces are back there, too, but don't worry, they're nice."

Natalie opens the back door, Ophelia scooting over as much as she can and the two siblings get in.

"Hi." Ophelia tells them. The siblings give her small waves in return.

"Are you guys hurt?" Natalie asks the siblings and the boy shakes his head. "Good. Good. We're gonna get you guys home real soon. I promise."

"Nat!" She hears Sam yell, fear in his voice.

"You guys stay here." Natalie tells them. "All of you." She states, sending a pointed look to Ophelia who rolls her eyes, slumping in the seat. She softly shuts the door and runs back into the house.

"Sam!" She calls, rushing down the basement stairs. She finds Sam next to an unconscious Dean. "What the hell happened?"

"I don't-- he shot the taser, but he was in water. I think it got him too." Sam says.

"Shit." Natalie whispers.

"C'mon. We gotta get him to a hospital." Sam says.

"Yeah. Yeah." Natalie moves forward to help lift her older brother up.

They're standing at the receptionist desk in the hospital. Sam is holding Libby and Natalie constantly glances over to Ophelia who is sadly sitting in a chair.

"Sir, ma'am, I'm so sorry to ask. There doesn't seem to be any insurance on file." The receptionist says.

"Right. Uh, okay." Sam takes his wallet out and gives her a card.

"Okay, Mr. Burkovitz." The receptionist says. Sam grabs Natalie's wrist and drags her to the two cops that are waiting.

"Look, we can finish this up later." One cop offers.

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