writing sad stuff is just not for me, hence why everything that went down was so short, maybe I just need to suck it up next time, but whatever.
LOCATION: Los Angeles, California
I tossed and turned the entire night. My life felt so unsettling at the moment, the most important relationships in my life were unsure.
That is what I am most fearful of.
Everything leading up to now feels like a fever dream. If someone were to give me a trailer a year ago about my life now, I would think it was joke. Unfortunately some parts are not.
Staring at the ceiling I feel nervous, today only adding to it. Due to my own actions, there are some things I have brought upon myself that I do have to face.
Having agreed to a day like this just a month ago, I noticed that this morning there was a little feeling inside of me that told me I should have denied the invitation.
Can't really do much about it now, can I? I am quite literally across the country.
Forcing myself to adjust to the minor time difference I go back to sleep. I would be alone, wandering the house if I did not want to be in bed and I sure as hell did not know my way around Los Angeles. I needed company, a distraction to put a hold to all the things in my head.
"baby", I felt the warmth of something on my face, my body gently being shook. "baby I'm home", the voice was familiar, this time the gentle shake was more of a push and my eyes fluttered open at the sudden movement.
"what time is it?", I groaned, searching for my glasses on my bedside table, eventually giving up from exhaustion. I didn't need my glasses to see him anyway, I knew his face by touch and voice by ear.
"just about 11".
"Sorry, I must have fallen asleep waiting for you", I rubbed my eyes, cold droplets of water hitting my arm. "Was it raining after the show?".
"Don't apologize, you were busy saving lives", he smiled, an exhausted tired one, happy nonetheless, "and no I just took a shower, didn't want to wake you until I was ready to get into bed".
He walked around to the left side, shuffling under the covers, the bare skin of his arms and chest against my body as he held it. The natural smell of him and 'our' (my) body scrub that he used perfectly smelled like home.
"Mm okay", i hummed, glad he was home, but I felt so exhausted I could hardly build up the courage to open my eyes, "night, lo-".
He groaned, "I want to spend a little time with you while you're up, you waited all night".
I turned to face him, the glow of his bedside lamp illuminating a part of his face. The color of his eyes dimly shown.
"I know, but it's okay my love. You have a free day from the shows tomorrow and I want to spend the whole day together, but I'm tired baby, please", I let my body sink back into the bed and his arms. My eyelids felt heavy, and I could tell that his were too. He would catch himself when his eyelids would close.
He turned off the lamp and laid down. Bringing him in closer, I held his body against mine, despite his fingers poking lightly at my skin, "it's dark now and I am very tired. I love you, always. Time is nothing".
Time truly was nothing when it came to love. We have loved one another before the quickness of fall could slip away into winter. It was fast, unexplainable, and always tangible.

Ardent ; h.s.
FanfictionI've learned the nights are tough for her. in the darkness we lay together, and even through the hectic life of mine, she is the one overwhelmed by things she wished to never be apart of. "What's on your mind darling?", we both reached a breaking p...