Chapter 5//An Encounter with the Esteemed Sir.Wanqif

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(Error's POV)

He's been walking this really dense forest for a really long time, it was seemingly infinite, either that or he was going in circles. Error rubbed his skull with irritation looking at the dense life around him "Seriously where will I go..?" Error had hoped to hit some kind of intelligent life form at this rate but his luck seemed terrible, so he continued to walk even when his legs ached and crumbled with dust chipping off of him. Error finally found the border of the forest and came across a vast plain with no sign of life what so ever, however Error didn't mind entirely since he finally left that forest. In the distance was an abandoned village it seemed rather old with a cut down tree in the far ends of it near the forest however as Error walked closer it more closely resembled a siege, more commonly called a raid.

The houses were broken and harshly damaged, no remains but there was evidence of life formerly in this village. "I wonder what happened." Error tilted his head questionly before coming towards the tree and underneath was a dark wooden box with painted yellow carvings of a golden apple "Dream?" Error blurted with confusion, the only person he knew that had any type of significance with a golden apple was Dream but considering this was a different multiverse it probably related to this Dream instead of the one he knew. Error opened the box and found a small jade apple inside with a crown of imperial jade, a dark cyan ember ignited very faintly on the jade it felt awfully familiar but Error couldn't remember why, perhaps that woman was right, this place was his home, the one that Fate had erased from his memories.

Error shook his head "I shouldn't touch things that aren't mine." Error had no interest in the positive things belongings but he was rather curious as to why it was out in the open this curiousity made Error feel a dangerous temptation "He won't mind if I just take it right?" Error opened the wooden box once more and took the apple and crown which more resembled a circlet like Dreams after careful inspection, before stuffing it into his inventory space and closing it taking one final look at the tree which was only a stump now, a sense of sadness and longing filled his chest as he walked away with conflicted thoughts. Error crouched down on the fields and touched the flower infront of him "Your a new fella I haven't met before, a travelling merchant perhaps?" A rather irritating voice entered Error's mind as he turned around but his face showed no signs of such emotion, "My friendly merchant, my name is Wanqif. Yours is...?" Wanqif did a polite gesture as Error hummed softly taking in the others appearence "Thats alright fella, your quite the ways out of the city. Stay any longer and you may meet some unwanted individuals, such as the exiled traitors of the kingdom." Wanqif was quick to inform Error of the dangers who only rolled his eyes finding this warning anything but threatening.

"How about I lead you to the city fella? Must be starved or lost your shipping carts, bandits or exile people can be like that I suppose. Savages." Wanqif scoffed darkly before Error stood up finishing his admiration of the flower from earlier "Come on fellow, I'll treat you." Wanqif grabbed Error's shoulder rather gently however Error cringed and stiffened immediately before swiftly dodging Wanqif's other arm "I'm fine." Error felt uncomfortable near this person, he couldn't tell why he didn't like this person but he didn't. Wanqif blinked before chuckling "Not much of a physical merchant are you? I get it, met some like you in the past. Don't like the touching business, say do you like brothels fellow merchant?" Wanqif questioned walking away but waited abit as Error followed him, only wanting to enter the city before seperating however this guy seemed to be the human equivalent of a living leech.

Error had no idea what a brothel was so he agreed, unaware of the amount of distress he'll be in later due to this decision. "I'll book you a hotel room my merchant friend, I have noticed your also a silent type. Not good for your business I assure you, perhaps your a new merchant of silk under the Silk Weavers? heard they got some silent merchant guys." Wanqif had a very intruding conversation to the point Error had to hold back his anger to punch this man, Wanqif's belly growled "Talking about that treat from earlier! Let me lead you to the Brothel, its got the finest wines, dishes and most importnantly the most divine entertainment." Wanqif clapped his hands as he lead Error away further from the kingdom gate he had entered, Error debated on knocking this guy out and leaving but he was curious on these peoples traditions so he decided to stay his eyes glancing over the beautiful architecture and festival like everyday decorations, it seemed like a rather rich city.

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