12. The Party

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"I can't handle change
I can't handle CHANGE
Nothing I do is ever good
Nothing I do is ever GOOD ENOUGH"

-i can't handle change, roar

tw: mentions of blood, knives, corpses

"i'm saying we need a new plan because next time , one of us is going to be too hurt to heal." derek said as they hopped onto the bus.

"oh i get it. we can't save jackson." scott sighed

"but we can't seem to kill him either." sasha said, sitting down on one of the benches.

"i've seen a lot of things. i've never seen anything like this." derek said looking up at the two. "every new moons just gonna make him stronger."

"so we stop him before that." sasha pointed out

"okay but how?" scott asked

"i don't know. i don't even know if we can."

"maybe we should just let the Argents handle it ."

"i'm the one that turned him. it's my fault."

"yeah okay derek, but you didn't know he was going to turn into this. i mean this all happened because of something in his past right?" sasha said

"that's a legend in a book. it's not that simple."

"what do you mean?" scott asked. "what are you not telling us?"

"why do you all always think i'm keeping something from yous?"

"because you usually are keeping something from us!" sasha said

"well maybe i do it do protect you."

"doesn't being part of your pack mean no more secrets?" scott sighed

"go home scott. sleep, heal. make sure your friends are safe. the full moons coming. and the way things are going i've got a feeling it's gonna be a rough one."


"what is that?" isaac asked looking at the symbol on dereks chest.

"it's a triskele." boyd said. "spirals mean different things. past, present and future. mother, father, child."

"you know what it means to me?" derek asked.

"alpha beta omega?"

"that's right. it's a spiral. remind us that we can all rise to one or fall to another. betas can become alphas but alphas can also fall to betas or even omegas."

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