Season 4 Finale Predictions

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This is really late and I'm sorry...

But, I've had time to develop some theories this week and as we get closer to the finale tomorrow, we get more insight as to what will happen.

For those of you who don't know, and spoilers ahead... Rumple's plan to rewrite everything works. And that's about all I'm sure of. Last year, everything made so much more sense! But, here are my thoughts on what's to come tomorrow night as we count down the hours until 8:00.

From promo pics and sneak peeks, we know that Regina and Snow have switch places. Regina is now a bandit and Snow is the Evil Queen. Charming is Snow's... Sidekick? Minion? I don't know, but Josh Dallas in eyeliner? Yes please!

Rumple is some sort of knight in shining armour that does no harm and is the hero of the story and is all that and that makes me want to puke.

We also know that Henry remembers everything. At some point, Isaac (the author) has the poor kid chained to a wagon... How many times have I said that someone needs to keep this kid on a leash, or hire a dwarf as his personal bodyguard? Because damn. If he's good at anything, it's getting kidnapped. Anyhow... Rumple swoops in and saves him like some kind of super grandpa. "Hey! My crazy, evil, psychopathic, cold-souled, PRETTY DAMN NEAR HEARTLESS grandfather is a knight? Oh! AND HE HAS LIGHT MAGIC! Look he saved me! But I thought... Whatever, thanks, gramps! Crap, he want to know if I have family nearby? Well... Yes... I mean... Yes. (Much, much closer than you think, bud) SHITSHITSHIT WHAT DO I DO?!?!?" I absolutely LOATHE Rumple, I'm sorry.

Basically, Henry is kind of like the saviour in this new book, Heroes and Villains.

But what about the other character?

Emma: She's wearing bandit/pirate clothes in the promo pics. She looks like Flynn Rider, honestly, and then it's like wait... IS KILLIAN RAPUNZEL?!? But then in the promo for the episode, she's yelling at walls in a dress, chained at the top of a tower. So... Emma is both Rapunzel and Flynn Rider? (I'm kidding. I'm honestly clueless about who Emma is.)

Killian: Apparently, Killian isn't really himself either. Seeing as though we've seen about 0.2 seconds of Killian for the finale, all I'm gonna say is this: If Rumple is telling Isaac what to write, do we really think he'd keep his worst enemy alive in his dream world...? Idk, I just think that this "temporary death" may not really be Emma like we all thought. I'm thinking Killian gets killed in this alternate universe but then is back by the end.

Zelena/Robin: Guess who's wedding day it is? Yep. So I guess we have Robin as Charming and Zelena as Abigail. So basically, Snowing's story becomes Outlaw Queen's story.

Belle: I don't know is she's married to him, but she's definitely making out with innocent!Rumple.

But the most important part? The end of the two hours.

It seems more and more likely to me that the scene with the dagger and Emma sacrificing herself will be the cliffhanger of the season. Though, I could be wrong, I just don't know anymore.

Also, for my fellow Captain Swanners, Emma "Reveals her true feelings for Hook" *cough* I love you *cough*

So, yeah, that's pretty much all I've got. But there's one thing I do know happens for sure: WE DIE. The next time you hear from me, there's a 187% chance that I'll be crying on the floor. And that there won't be another episode until SEPTEMBER.

So with my last bit of sanity, I prepare myself for the finale and a long, Onceless summer and say thank you all for being here with me through season 4!

~Emily (Jillchair8e)

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