"Wake up! You're going to be late for school!" — Something teenage students hear in the mornings after missing their alarm... several times. Often students complain about how tired they are after staying up all night, but what if there was a reason they stayed up? What if they're supposed to wake up later? I believe the start and end of school should be from 12PM to 7PM as it would result in better performance, intrigued and ready students, and better mental states for school learners.
The internal clock that tells people when to wake up for 16-18 year olds is 10AM-11PM. Two hours past the recommended start time at the earliest! Not only that, but many schools still start much earlier than the recommended 8:30AM. Teenagers who are supposed to wake around 10AM are awake before dawn and staying up past sunset. In no way should that be healthy for growing teens.
Some say starting later would drastically, and negatively, affect the adults — both the parents and teachers — as their schedule is around those early hours. But even if it effects the adults negatively, it effects the future adults positively. Not only that but there can still be many ways to adapt around it like the teens have done for the early starts. Even when teachers complain, they also have major times off to get breaks as well, why should we be putting more onto the learners?

Just a school essay keep scrolling.
Randomliterally a school essay, the computer had no connection and my teacher just said deal with it. PLEASE ITS AN ESSAY