TF3 Mirage X Athena X Sideswipe Pt 2: The Dreaded Goodbye

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Part 2 of @susangiacomin's request.

All good things  must come to an end

Athena couldn't believe how quickly a month went by. Though every day, she worried it would be her last with Mirage and Sideswipe. She does want the two to go home to their dimension, but also, the thought of them going home hurts.

Even with that thought, she couldn't believe what she was hearing
"They clearly don't care what happened to us," Sideswipe claims, "heck they probably declared us dead."
"I'm not a scientist, but I doubt figuring out how the frag a portal to another dimension was opened and figuring out how to open another is easy," Mirage argues.
The conversation ceases as Athena walks into the room, uncertain what to say. The two mechs hope she didn't hear anything, even if she'd be happy the longer they're here.
Athena suggests going out for the day, hoping to distract the two. Though how much distraction from the fact that they're in a different dimension can she achieve?

Mirage and Sideswipe enjoy watching humans racing, and lucky for them, Athena likes watching the races though she normally doesn't watch a race in person. She's enjoying going to these races with Mirage and Sideswipe.
After the race, the three get dinner. Athena has been struggling with thinking, what if today is the last day with her friends? She hides this thought we'll from them. Knowing she sounds selfish to say she doesn't want them to go home

Three days pass before Mirage gets a signal that resembles Optimus Prime's.
"Sideswipe, we need to investigate this."
"Let me come," Athena insists.
"No, it could be cons."
"And if it's your way home? Please, I'll be careful."
The two agree to let her go, hoping it's not a mistake.

As they drove closer to the location, they saw a mysterious light.
"What is that?" Athena asks.
"Weird," Sideswipe replies.
"So you have no idea."
"Hopefully, a portal."
Athena stayed silent, hearing Sideswipe's happiness.
I knew this day would come, but I'm not ready.

As the two Autobots drove closer to the questionable light, they see a figure. They could only guess it was Optimus until they were much closer.  Athena struggles not to cry. She knows she won't be allowed to go with them.
Once Athens is out of Sideswipe's alt mode, the two mechs transform.
"Optimus, sir," Mirage salutes.
"Que finally figured out what happened to you two," Optimus explains and sees Athena.
"We had no choice but to tell her, and you won't believe what we found out," Sideswipe explains.
Optimus is saddened to know a human now has to say goodbye to two friends and likely forever.
"Thank you for helping Mirage and Sideswipe," Optimus thanks, Athena.
Athena could no longer hide the tears. Her two new friends hug her.
Optimus waits a few minutes before telling the two mechs it's time to go. Athena watches the three Autobots walk through the portal, and the portal vanishes, hoping to see Mirage and Sideswipe again. Athena didn't know she had a note in her pocket;
We're saving this note for the day we have to say goodbye. We hope to convince Prime to let us come back. You know he won't let you stay in our dimension. Thank you for helping us and being a friend.
                        — Mirage and Sideswipe

Athena can tell Mirage wrote this. This doesn't help her sadness, but she will try to think the three will see each other again.

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