Sat in the trunk of a van with a psycho unsub was not on my list of things to do today.
The unsubs name is Jerry Whitefield. He is a Caucasian male with possessive traits in woman. Yep. Woman. Woman that look like me. I forgot to mention. Jerry Whitefield was my bf for a month in highschool before I ended it for creepy reasons like oh getting kidnapped 25 years later.
I see a different colored air come through the backseat. Gas. I slowly felt myself trying to breathe anything but gas. It was to late. I drifted off and out.
Aaron's POV
I ran my fingers theough my hair I'm not sure how many times now. Y/n was missing and we knew exactly who had her. Jerry Whitefield. He was a piece of shit to say the least. Y/n told me about him and how he would make her uncomfortable and harass her nonetheless stalk her.
"Hotch" I look up. Rossi and Garcia are at the door.
"You find anything" I ask.
"Sadly yes. Jerry Whitefield has 3 locations that can be possible areas of where he would take y/n. But we already know his motive and agenda so it won't be 2 of the locations which leaves us with an abandon looking corn maze in his father's name" Garcia rambles out.
"Let's go. Good job Garcia." I say. Starting to sprint to the others getting everyone situated and loaded into the suvs.
I was in a car with Rossi, Reid, and Emily.
"Hotch. Are you okay to work on this?" Rossi asks.
"Yes" I reply short and stern.
"Aaron if you make one mistake without having your mind in the game you or her could end up dead" he reolys.
"I know David. But I want her back and so do all of you. I need her to wake up next to me tomorrow morning and her and Jack teaming uo to wake me up. I need her in my lofe snd I csnt lose her so yes I am going to do this" I say. Rossi looks at me and nodds.
As we arrived we all got out of the cars. The corn maze was made specifically for teens so as Reid came back with the maps of how to get out of it we all parted ways. Reid and I. Rossi and Jj. Emily and Derek. We took left and started to hear more commotion 10 minutes in. A swat team had been called so we each had 2 behind us and someone the outskirts of thr maze.
I saw a shadow running. "FBI. Put you hands up where I can see them" I yell.
As the person stopped I look closer as we approached slowly. It was her.
"Y/n" I yelled running. She looked at me but than kept running.
Reid and I both chased ger when we saw her stopped st the edge of the corn field.
"Y/n" I say calmly.
"Please don't hurt me. Not like you used too" she cried out still looking away.
"Y/n. It's me. It's Aaron" I say calmly walking closer.
"No your not. If you want me to be with you Jerry I will. Just please dont hurt my team"
"Y/n. Look at me baby. It's me Aaron. I'm not Jerry. Look at me" I say as she slowly turns around.
"I'm hallucinating. From the gas. Your not Aaron you are only pretending to be Jerry. Just stop. I'll go with you" she mumbles. Her legs were wobbling and she seemed overly to calm.
"Hotch. I think he mixed anesthesia with hallucinating gas. That's why she's confused and partially calm" Reid said. (Idk if that's how it would work but just go with it)
I nodded. I hear Derek and Emily say that they found Jerry in the bidding preparing sharp tools. I swallowed the lump in my through he would have killed her right here.
"Y/n. Hey come here. I know you don't trust anything right now but you know what my hand feels like come hold it snd you'll know it's really me"
Her face was still unsure as she walked carefully towards Reid snd I.
She reached my hand and touched it. After she felt as though she knew she through herself onto my body.
"You okay baby" I say hugging her back.
I walk with her in my arms heading to the ambulance so I can make sure he didn't do anything else to here.
She passed out on my shoulder. As she did I laid her down with the ambulance and got in with her as I messaged back snd forth with Rossi.
She's safe?
Yes. I'm at the hospital with her now.
Good. Take care of her. We will be their soon.
Okay. What happened with Jerry.
He told the truth than tried to go back on it but he was caught on his loss and has been been sent directly to prison without bail. They'll have s hearing for him later when they find it suitable.
Okay. Hopefully forever he stays out of her life.
No matter what happens you have her snd she has you.
Don't know it. See you soon Dave.
See you soon.
At the hospital 3 hours later. Y/n was finally being pulled away from the anesthesia and other gas substances and is starting to be more aware.
"Hi" she mumbled.
"Hi" I say.
"Thank you for saving me"
"I would save you everyday but please don't make it a habit" I say laughing as she laughs back.
'Trust me. I won't try. You okay?" She asks.
I frowned "you just went through some trauma and your asking if I'm okay?"
"Well yeah. You turn into a drill Sargent and have a tough timr with this stuff" she replies smiling.
"I'm okay. I'm okay now that you are okay" I say smiling.
'She smiles back. "You didn't scream at anybody did you?" She giggles.
"I don't think I did. You'll have to ask the team though" I smile.
"I love you" she says.
"I love you too." I Kiss her softy.

Aaron Hotchner Oneshots
FanfictionSuggestions are open. I'll do tons of fluff :) that's about it