Jealously Part 3

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Wow it's been a long time since I've written anything here. Hello world, I'm back for the long awaited Part 3!

For the first year or so, the union between Mr. and Mrs. Bowman was joyful and filled with love. It wasn't until Annabeth decided she wanted to change it up to Mr. and Dr. Bowman. She decided to get a PhD in architecture, and went back to school, this time at NYU. She also began teaching at a local high school.

Things between the happy couple began to deteriorate, as Theo wanted to spend more time with his wife. Annabeth argued that she was the one bringing in the most money in the first place, and that she still found time to be a loving wife. Angered at this, Theo shot back with, "You're a wife! You're supposed to be home, taking care of the house and being here to support me! I'm not saying I want you to be a housewife but is it wrong that I want a little respect from my wife! What happens if we want to have children and you're never home! You'd be a horrible mother!"

This caused Annabeth to burst into tears, and sink to the floor. Theo instantly regretted his words, and got on his knees to comfort her, but she pushed him away. "If you think I'm such an awful wife, just go." She hisses angrily.

So he left, and she locked the door behind him. No knowing where to do, Theo went to the apartment of their friend, Amanda. 

Something he didn't know, was that Amanda had in fact been dating one Percy Jackson for many months. He of course, remembered them talking at the wedding, but wasn't aware the two were together.

Amanda was always a free spirit. In her opinion, being tied down wasn't for her. Percy told her he loved her many many times, but she never had the heart to say it back. It simply wasn't true. She wasn't the girl for that. Anytime Percy "wanted to take a step forward in their relationship" she declined. Why move in with him if she has a perfectly good apartment already right?

Unbeknownst to her, Percy was trying his best to move on from Annabeth by giving everything he had into his relationship with her, but he just kept getting heartbroken over not receiving the same effort. Yet he stayed, because it was the only thing he had. So what if he paid for all the dates, and was the only one who said "I love you," Amanda constantly assures him he's a good lover when she spends the night. Which happened a lot, she'd come over unannounced, they'd find their way to bed, where they fell into a routine of Percy treating her just the way she wants, and her leaving before he wakes up in the morning.

Now Theo was only looking to sleep on her couch for the night before going back home to make up with Annabeth, but the second Amanda opened the door, she had other plans.

"Hey Theo, what's up?" She asked, leaning against the doorway.

"Annabeth and I had an argument, and I'm giving her time to cool off. Can I sleep on your couch or something?"

"Yeah sure, come on in." Once the door was shut, she lead him to the couch. "What was the argument about?" She sat next to him.

"She's out there pursuing her dreams, but she's never home anymore. We've talked about wanting to start our family but we never have time and we hardly see each other and I just-Amanda what are you doing?"

Amanda slowly moved onto his lap, and was playing with the buttons on his shirt. "Nothing darling. Keep talking."

Theo gulped, but continued with his story. Amanda slowly began to unbutton his shirt, and stroked his chest.

Before he knew it, he found himself waking up in her bed, unclothed with her (also fully unclothed) beside him.

He freaked out, causing her to wake up.

"What's wrong baby?" She purred, laying on her side.

"I just cheated on my wife! I've gotta get home."

"So? I've cheated on Percy so many times before. He doesn't need to know. She doesn't need to know. She hardy has the time to give you what you've wanted. Just relax."

He didn't make it home until that evening.

It wasn't until a few weeks later when Annabeth asked him where he went every night that she found out. He'd assured her that he's just working longer shifts now, but after seeing him slip rope into his work bag, she followed jinx

They'd left the door of Amanda's apartment unlocked, and upon entered she saw them on Amanda's counter, with him tied up beneath her.

There was a lot of yelling, specifically from Annabeth. There was a lot of apologizing, specifically from Theo. And there was a lot of justification, specifically from Amanda.

Annabeth kicked Theo out of their house and filed for a divorce. 

And when Percy found out, the poor guy had his heart crushed to pieces. He ended up losing his apartment, and crashed at Jason and Piper's. Annabeth and Percy never actually talked about it until one day...

Annabeth was at a Starbucks, ordering a black coffee a year or so after getting divorced. She wore a gray pantsuit, and hadn't loved anyone else since the whole thing had ended. In fact she only ever talked to someone if it was her mother, or Hazel and Piper's monthly brunch.

Suddenly, she bumped into someone. He wore a black flannel, with a hoodie under and a beanie over his head. 

"Sorry! I didn't see you, I was just trying to get to the back-Annabeth?"

She locked eyes with him, and her knees turned to Jello. "Percy?"

Stay tuned for part 4!

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