Door 7: Sleep.

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Seek and Figure had spent the past four hours contemplating possible outcomes and theories as to what might be happening. It was now 3AM according to the clock, and Figure was noticeably tired. Seek had just seen him yawn three times in the one minute he had been speaking. It wasn't as if Seek wasn't tired too, but he couldn't yawn.

'It's three in the morning. I should probably mention going to sleep now, Figure looks like he needs it. I do too.' Seek thought as he stared at Figure. He was talking about the strange magic book they had read through before and about how the two should probably get to probably reading it more, but he seemed out of it. But as if Figure were reading Seek's thoughts, he spoke.

"Your heartbeat has quickened quite a bit for a while now. Are you tired?" The taller entity asked nonchalantly. Seek was slightly taken aback at Figure's ability to recognize a state of being just by a heartbeat, but there was probably a science to it that Figure had mastered by now.

"Yeah, a bit. Surprised you noticed, but I guess I wouldn't expect any less out of you." Seek observed, blinking slowly whilst trying to remove the dryness from his tired eyes.

"Then why don't you head to your domain for the moment? We wouldn't want you falling asleep here again." Figure said with a sweetness to his tone. Seek snickered at the thought. He woke up with quite the goopy mess everywhere last time he slept here. He tended to form into a puddle when he slept, not needing to take any specific form in his slumbering.

"Yeah. I think I'll do that. I'll see you later, Figure." Seek would probably be smiling if he had a mouth, but his eyes did the trick for him by closing slightly to the shape an eye would be making if a face smiled. Figure waved as he listened to his friend leave, but as Seek walked away, his chest tugging at him as he did so. He didn't really want to leave his friend. He shouldn't really have said anything about sleeping, but it was for the best. Seek could always see his friend in the morning, but something just didn't feel right.

Making his way over to the entrance, the one-eyed entity opened the library doors. They were quite heavy, but Seek could open them without a problem. Deciding against looking back to see his friend once more, Seek closed the doors behind him.

As the one eyed entity made his way down the hallways, a sinking feeling placed itself deep in his chest, like a net of uncomfortably rabid butterflies decided to start flying inside of him. Seek was as almost sure something was wrong, but shook his head to deny the thought.

'I'm just paranoid because of the recent events.' He told himself over and over. It was the obvious excuse, but the pit in his stomach deepened. What was he so worried about? Just before Seek was about to reach his domain, he gripped his fists into balls. Damnit. If something felt off, he shouldn't just ignore it.

Whirling his body around to go back towards Figure, Seek closed his eye and took a deep breath. Opening his eye again, he was met face to face with an array of colors that flashed his vision and distorted it for a split second. Seek nearly jumped out of his non-existent skin as his entire body flinched violently and jerked backwards, falling onto the floor at the sudden jump scare. Before he had time to scream, the anomaly was gone. The entity's heart raced as he breathed heavily on the floor, sprawled out in an uncomfortable position in shock. What the hell had just happened?! Seek's eye was wide open. If that wasn't a sign that he should go back to Figure, the entity wasn't sure what was.

Jerking himself upwards with goopy hands helping him, Seek began running back towards the library. It wasn't a question at this point. He'd have to talk to Figure. Now. He wasn't too far off. About 20 rooms, but it was 20 rooms too late. Slipping past every door like he was running for dear life, the entity pushed faster.

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