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faye was starting to panic, she still hadn't heard back from riven. the girl made her way over to sky.

"sky, i don't know where riven is and he's not gotten back to my messages or calls." faye panicked.

"he'll be fine, faye." sky soothed the girl, pulling her into a hug. "just please stay here and keep safe."

faye hugged the boy back, feeling comfortable. "i can't just stay here when i don't know where riven is, sky." she slightly snapped at the boy. "i can protect myself, i can feel my magic." she told him. "it's hard to explain... but it's there i know it is."

sky let out a defeated sigh. "fine, try to find him but do not try and leave the school."

faye quickly said thank you and rushed away to start her search for her boyfriend. as she was looking she was still calling riven, but all of a sudden she heard a snarl. it wasn't far away but it was way too close for comfort, faye sighed. "fuck."

the girl stopped in her tracks after hearing the snarls get closer. in her spare time faye had been reading books about air fairies since she hadn't had that much teaching, she read about air fairy's being able to manipulate the cold and basically drawing it towards someone or something to freeze it, it could possibly work, but definitely not for long considering burned one's were created by something called the dragon's flame.

faye decided freezing the thing would be her best bet and so she could run, she began to walk again trying to keep as calm as possible. the snarls were getting closer and closer, as faye turned a corner she was about 6 meters away from the burned-one.

she momentarily froze, but snapped out of it when the thing was slowly walking towards her. she prepared herself, faye looked back behind her and decided she would just run in the other direction.

the burned-one snarled harshly at the girl, faye rose her hands, and she was drawing in cold air it was beginning to form into a circular shape, and that's when she knew to fire it towards the creature. it worked.

faye gasped as the burned-ones body froze up, she didn't want to waste any more time so the girl sprinted in the other direction as fast as she possibly could. the girl couldn't hear anything coming after her or any snarling, so she slightly slowed down.

"jesus christ." faye muttered to herself, slightly breathless.

turns out faye's magic wasn't so dormant anymore, what she didn't know is that her mum was the one who made faye's powers come to her, her mum gave faye all the magic that was always meant to be hers, plus a bit more.

faye had zero luck finding riven so she just decided to go back to the courtyard, she wouldn't admit it but she was a little scared to be alone right now even though she still hadn't heard anything from the burned one she found.

the girl quickly made herself back to the courtyard and she bumped into sky.

he noticed she seemed quite distraught. "faye, you alright?" sky asked.

"um, i couldn't find riven but i bumped into a burned one." she answered, anxiously looking around her.

"wait, what?" sky looked at the girl.

before he could say anything else faye spoke. "i'm fine, i froze it."

sky looked at faye with confusion. "huh?"

𝐎𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐎𝐍 | riven | fate: the winx sagaWhere stories live. Discover now