The Title is Literally how Teruya Feel's about Nikei this Chapter-
Nikei Almost Die's this Chapter and Teruya's just Like-
" Damnit Nikei, why Must this Happen to you? "
Anyway's, Enjoy!
Amazing Admin's GC
4:42 PMNikei is Now Online
Nikei: Guy's?-
Nikei: Help me-
Teruya is Now Online
Yuki is Now Online
Kanade is Now Online
Kanata is Now Online
Kanade: What is it this Time?
Teruya: I was in the Middle of Working on HomeWork
Kanata: Wait- You All of People actually Work on their HomeWork?
Teruya: Yes, Yes I do Inori 🙃
Kanata: Please don't Call me by My Last Name-
Kanata: And don't Use that Emoji Either-
Teruya: Alright~! 😊
Yuki: Well then-
Yuki: What did you Need to Tell us Nikei?
Nikei: So, I Almost had a Code Black Occur-
Teruya: WHAT?!
Yuki: WHAT?!
Kanade: WHAT?!
Kanata: WHAT?!
Nikei: Yeah, but I'm Currently having a Code Yellow-
Nikei: I Almost Got Shot-
Kanade: How?!
Nikei: Not Sure-
Nikei: I was just Messing Around in My Dorm and the Next Thing that I Knew was a Terrible Pain Going through My Right Arm before I Heard Something Hitting the Wall and then Bouncing onto the Ground-
Nikei: It was a Goddamn Bullet-
Teruya: Damnit-
Teruya: Kanata, Get the Med Kit
Kanata: Will do-
Teruya: We'll be Back in a Little Bit
Teruya is Offline
Kanata is Offline
Nikei is Offline
Yuki: I Hope that Nikei will be Alright............
Kanade: Nikei's Strong than he Look's, Maeda. He'll be Fine, he wouldn't Go Down that Easily
Yuki: Mmh!
Kanade: We should Go Offline for Now
Yuki: Yeah, it's Probably the Best Idea Right Now
Kanade is Offline
Yuki is Offline
" Why would SomeOne even Try to Shoot you? "
Kanata had Asked Calmly and Gently while Cleaning the Wound as Nikei had just Sighed in Response to her Question.
" Not Sure MySelf, Kanata. I'm just Glad that I'm still Alive. "
Nikei had said Calmly and Gently while Trying to Not to Wince from Kanata Cleaning his Wound as Teruya had just Sighed in Response due to the Fact that SomeOne had Attempted to Kill Nikei.
" Atleast, My Lesson's Helped Somewhat. Even if you didn't Dodge the Bullet and didn't have your Guard Up. I'm Glad that your Alive, Nikei. I wouldn't Know what to do if you Ended Up Dying. "
Teruya had said Calmly and Gently while Scolding him despite him Being Nervous/Afraid as Nikei had just Simply Chuckled in Response to Teruya Kinda of Scolding him in a Way.
" Seriously though, we Need to Report this to the Principal. If Not the Principal then the Vice Principal, Assistant, Teacher, or SomeOne. "
Kanata had said Calmly and Gently while Grabbing the Bandage's from her Med Kit in Order to Wrap them Around the Wound as Nikei had just Hummed in Response.
" Yeah, Security will be High for Quite Some Time at the School. But it's Worth it. "
Nikei had said Calmly and Gently while Kanata had Wrapped the Bandage's Around his Wound as Teruya had just Simply Hummed in Response.
Neither of the Three said Anything Else at All.
How would They be Able to Say Anything?
They were just Happy that Nothing Bad had Happened.
I have Finished with this Chapter!
Thank Goodness-
It's Currently 3:32 AM where I Live-
Anyway's, I Hope you Enjoyed!
I'll See All of you Soon!
( 586 Word's )