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I rolled over expecting to see Cassidy still asleep next to me as the golden daylight battled its way through the little windows, but she wasn't there. Where did she go? I waited for her while sitting up and resting against the hard wooden wall, but eventually gave up and peeled back the sole cover to give my body time to acclimate to the chilly winter breeze that flowed over me.

 I saw the wooden door was ajar as I carried on looking for Cassidy. With my heart racing and my lunges rising and falling with each trembling breath, I sprinted out of the cabin. "Where are you, Cassidy?" It's not safe out there by yourself, I  thought to myself, "It's not safe out there all alone." The green grass was soft underfoot and the heavy dew from the night before numbed my bare feet. My body shook with terror, and with every trembled step, I grew colder. By now the cabin had disappeared from view and had been replaced by fluffy grey clouds, and I was at least a mile or two away from home. "CASSIDY!!!" I called but received no response, so I tried again. I sobbed like a child and fell to the ground. I had let fear consume me once again, just like the fair folk had said at the reading last summer. Trembling, I stood up and continued my search. Scanning the trees for any sign of her, I looked left. I looked right. I looked up, I looked down. I searched the river. I searched the bay but still heard no sign of her. My fear changed to anger, which soon changed to sadness. I was exhausted. I sat on the ground. My feet felt numb and my legs hurt like hell. The sun was low in the sky and I expected that it would be nightfall by now. I continued my search, using every bone and muscle in my body, and that's when I found it; a bright red lock of hair tangled in a snare, and not just any snare, but a Cassidy McLane special. Why had I been so stupid? It all makes sense now. She had just gone hunting, or so I thought until I saw it. Covered in leaves and twigs, was an emerald green coat, embraided with gold thread, that read "CASSIDY McLean".

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