Mazes & Mutants: Part 1

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{A/N: I'm skipping to 'Mazes & Mutants' since I don't see Brooke's presence having any significant changes in the other episodes}

Brooke's POV:

After more threats of alien invasion, Foot fights, and training, we're all taking a break with a game I found in an alley above ground. Leo and I narrate while the others participate in the real 'action'.

Mikey: "No, you can't! No, no, no, no! My +1 ring of awesome didn't save me. Avenge me, Raph. Avenge the beloved elf."

Raph shoves Mikey over to the side.

Me: "Relax, Mikey, your elf is fine."

Leo: "For now."

Mikey shows off the ring with a relieved smile.

Me: "Suddenly, your party is attacked by evil, vicious monkey goblins!"

Everyone gasps except Raph, who looks bored at the others.

Leo: "You have to roll a 2 or higher to avoid being bitten."

Mikey & Donnie roll a '20', while Raph halfheartedly rolls a '1'.

Raph: "1?"

Mikey: "Critical fail, dude."

Me: "The monkey goblins bites. Raph loses-"

I roll a dice to get-

Leo & I: "11 hit points!"

Raph: "11?! I'm gonna use my magic sword +3 to strike."

Splinter walks into the room to receive a cheese-sicle from Ice Cream Kitty, turning to us with an amused grin.

Splinter: "What is all of this?"

Leo: "It's called 'Mazes & Mutants'. Brooke found it in the trash up top."

Splinter: "A game? Don't you have mutagen to find?"

Donnie: "But Sensei, we just beat the Kraang and Shredder's forces. We could use just one day to relax."

Splinter: *sighs* "I cannot understand why you play a fantasy game, when your lives are already fantastic."

Me: "Hai, Sensei.-*chuckles*-But seeing Raph this enthusiastic over something other than bashing heads is pretty entertaining."

Splinter walks off with a weary look, leaving us to return to the game. I'm sure everything's fine, and it's just a game. What harm could come from this?

{Time skip}

After the game, Mikey & Leo are off somewhere in the sewers while the rest of us are in the living room, bored out of our minds. Speak of the devil, Mikey & Leo walk into the room with excited smiles.

Mikey: "Hear ye, hear ye! We have seen the future, and it is LARP."

Donnie and Raph don confused looks.

Leo: "LARP: Live Action Role Play. We dress up as our heroes, and finish our 'Mazes & Mutants' game in the sewers."

Donnie grins at the prospect.

Donnie: "Cool, sounds like fun."

Raph: "Sounds like stupid. Count me out."

Mikey: "We even got a warrior princess costume for Brooke."

Raph: "I'm in!"

Me: "Alright, but only because I get the feeling it'll make for good blackmail in future arguments."

{Time skip}

Mikey: "Leo, the knight. Donnie, the wizard. Mikey, the Elven thief. Raph, the dwarf barbarian. And last but not least, Brooke, the warrior princess."

Me: "Any chance I can back out of this at the last minute?"

Donnie: "Come on, Brooke. It'll be fine. We won't laugh, I promise."

I sigh as I walk out into the main sewer tunnel in the costume Mikey got for me.

I sigh as I walk out into the main sewer tunnel in the costume Mikey got for me

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Raph: "Whoa, babe! You look...Awesome."

Me: "Not too bad yourself. Shall we?"

Raph extends an arm for me to take, and I do so with a smirk.

Leo: "I've set up the game so we can finish in the tunnels. Whoever solves the clues and defeats the dragon wins."

Suddenly, an attack dummy descends from the ceiling, making the brothers jump in surprise.

Mikey: "It's a deadly tree troll! Get it!"

Mikey fires a suction cup arrow at the dummy while the rest of us 'attack' it until it falls to the ground.

Leo: "Well done, adventurers! The troll is defeated."

Donnie picks up the clue to read aloud.

Donnie: "Soon you will find yourself in a haze. Solve the riddles to beat the maze."

Leo: "That's not the clue I wrote down."

Then, a cloud of smoke rises from the ground, blinding us from the path ahead.

Raph: *coughs* "It smells. You been eating asparagus again, Mikey?"

Me: "Wow, Leo. You really hooked this game up."

Leo: "This wasn't me."

When the smoke clears, we find ourselves in a medieval dungeon.

Donnie: "Um, what did you mean exactly when you said it wasn't you?"

Mikey: "Leo's just being humble. This is amazing! Everything feels so realistic."

Mikey runs his hands against the walls, accidentally setting off a trap for large chunks of the ceiling to fall upon us. We rush out of the room, only to be the target of poisoned darts flying out from the walls. We finally reach a safe space when Donnie decides to confront Leo head-on.

Donnie: "Leo, I appreciate all the hard work you put into this, bro. I really do. The craftsmanship is a thing of beauty. It's commendable. But, um-WHAT IS GOING ON?"

Leo: "I have no idea. Are we really in medieval times?"

Mikey: "Dude, I don't wanna be stuck in the 1980's."

Then, we turn to see a bird mutant appear in a puff of green smoke.

Malachi: *echoes* "Thou possess-eth questions. I am the one who possess-eth thy answers."


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