Part twenty-two

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Jasper and Audrey sat in the back of English Lit class as Zeffirelli's '68 "Romeo and Juliet" plays

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Jasper and Audrey sat in the back of English Lit class as Zeffirelli's '68 "Romeo and Juliet" plays. The suicide scene was on. "Arms, take your last embrace, and lips, O you, the doors of breath, seal with a righteous kiss...," Romeo spoke. The room was dark as the class sat. Some students were entertained, some moved, and Mike, trying not to fall asleep. The teacher, Mr. Pattinson, mouthed every word. "Here's to my love!" Romeo drank the poison.

"O, true apothecary! Thy drugs are quick." "Now that I'm eighteen, life seems to be vast now," Audrey whispered. "Nothing compared to when I thought I lost you," Jasper whispered back. "There are worse tragedies than a birthday. Look at Romeo. He's responsible for his wife's death. Who could live with that?" He looked at the screen. "Though I do envy him one thing," he continued. "Juliet's alright... if you like that beautiful sort of thing," Audrey sighed.

"Despite that, she faked her death to be with her love, who thought she died." "Not the girl, the suicide," he replied. "Nearly impossible for my kind. But humans, a little poison, dagger to the heart. There are so many options." "It's hard to kill witches. We're stronger than humans. Why would you even think about that love?" Audrey asked him. He turned Audrey's wrist over and ran his hand over the horseshoe-shaped scar on her forearm.

"I considered it. Once. When James had you trapped," he explained. "I didn't know if I'd find you in time. If I'd gotten you killed." "It wouldn't have been your fault, plus vampire venom doesn't work on witches. We can live forever" Audrey reminded him. Using her magic to hide it. "Either way, I had a plan," he looked at Audrey. "What plan?" Audrey asked. "There are... ways for us," Jasper explained. "At least one way. I would have gone to Italy, provoked...."

"The who?" Audrey asked. "The Volturi...," he answered. "Is something you'd like to share in class, Jasper? Audrey?" Mr. Pattinson asked. "Certainly not. But we apologize for being a distraction. Perhaps you should rewind to act five, scene one line twenty-eight eighty-nine," he recited. "If you had the strength of twenty men, it would dispatch you straight." Mr. Pattinson just looked at him, then moved off, intimidated

"Eyes on the screen, people," he asked. Everyone looked back to the screen. After a few minutes, Audrey wanted to tease jasper. Moving closer to him. He looked at her confused. Audrey then winked at him and started kissing his neck. Jasper goes tense as he tries to hide his moaning. "You so lucky I can't do anything" He mumbled. Almost a growl, to Audrey. Who was still kissing his neck. Smirking at him.



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