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Later that night Y/n was in her room when Arthur came in.

Arthur: Hey
Y/n: Sup
Arthur: I wanted to talk about that weekend we left you here.

Y/n's heart rate went up slightly. The more she had to talk about it the more she had to lie to them.

Y/n: What about it?
Arthur: What happened?
Y/n: I don't know what mean 'what happened'?
Arthur: We could tell something was off and we waited to talk because we didn't wanna overstep. Now you're more relaxed so...
Y/n: So you wanna talk. Well there's not much more to say really. You know about the break in...
Arthur: Y/n, I was still awake the night you went out with Luca... you never came home.
Y/n: Wha- um, yeah I was tired so crashed at his place. Charles doesn't know I wasn't here does he?
Arthur: No he doesn't. He wanted to say bye in the morning but I stopped him. Said you needed to sleep in.
Y/n: Thanks for doing that.
Arthur: But you still haven't told me everything have you?
Y/n: Arthur... I...

She thought for a second. If she wasn't afraid of Luca why couldn't she tell Arthur now. He had still threatened her, but if she never did anything he wouldn't know... she decided not to risk it... again.

Y/n: ...I was just shaken up after the break in. Friday I was too tired to come home. That's all.
Arthur: Okay y/n... I guess I'm gonna have to take your word. Night.
Y/n: Night.

She sat in her room alone again and started crying. It hurt so much to lie to the guys. She hated that Luca did still have a hold on her... She didn't think she could go through this anymore... Charles and Arthur were both clearly suspecting something and only cared about her, that's why they want to know what's going on.

As she cried quietly she heard her door open. Looking up she noticed Pierre standing in the doorway.

Pierre: What's wrong? I heard you crying as I walked past.
Y/n: I can't do this anymore!

Pierre moved to sit next to her closing the door behind him before he moved forward.

Pierre: Hey it's okay. What can't you do anymore?
Y/n: Lie.
Pierre: Lie? When have you-
Y/n: Almost everyday... to Charles and Arthur. They don't deserve it.
Pierre: What are you lying about, if I may ask?

Y/n thought about whether she would answer or not and decided that she couldn't add another person to her list of lies. She would deal with whatever happened afterwards when it came, but right now she felt Pierre being the only person to talk to.

Y/n: It all started the weekend of the Belgium Grand Prix...

She told him everything, from Jimmy'z to the break up and then about the break in and how she lied to protect Luca. She even explained the bruise and the threats. Pierre just sat listening and the more she spoke, the more she felt a weight lifting off of her shoulders.

Once she had finished talking there was a moment of silence, Pierre never even made a sound. That was until he eventually spoke up.

Pierre: Y/n I- I don't know what to say. I'm so sorry that happened to you.
Y/n: Me too... and since then the threats to keep quiet have been endless. Which has meant the lies have become a regular thing from being a nonexistent thing.
Pierre: Does anyone else know?
Y/n: No. Just you. Please don't tell Charles he'll freak out.
Pierre: He has to know eventually y/n... but I won't tell him.
Y/n: Thank you and I will find the right time to tell him.
Pierre: Okay. Well I'm going to bed. Goodnight, please try get some sleep.
Y/n: Night Pierre.

Just Friends // Pierre Gasly Where stories live. Discover now