.Chapter 12: well, that didn't work.

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Klaus walks through the road, passing by all the different people

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Klaus walks through the road, passing by all the different people. He hears the car drive off, telling him Five and Marah have left, leaving him alone on a farm.

"Hello there." Klaus says, walking through the many people. "Yoo-hoo! Guten haben." he walks towards a woman by herself, startling a woman who is skinning a rabbit. "Mom."

"Nay, English." the woman responds, confused with who Klaus is, but also recognizing his eyes. "No mothers here. Only rabbits."

"Oh, I'm so sorry." Klaus apologizes, not wanting to be rude in what would have been his home. "I... I'm looking for Rachel Herschberger."

A man stands above the two, listening into the conversation. "No Rachel."

"Oh, okay." Klaus says, slightly defeated knowing his mom isn't there. "Well, that's a shame. Do you happen to knowwhere I might find her? I'm trying to track her down."

"There's no Rachel here." the man states again. "Now, walk your fancy boots back to townwhere you belong, and leave us be."

"Okay." Klaus chuckles, stepping back a little, not wanting to get in a fight with the Amish. "All right. No needto get your knickers in a twist there."

"Caleb, let the boy speak." the woman from before states, talking towards the man in charge, Caleb.

"You're upsetting the womenfolk,and now you're upsetting me." Caleb states, taking a step towards Klaus.

"No, that's not..." Klaus starts, trying to explain himself. "I'm not upsetting the womenfolk.Are you kidding? Womenfolk love me."

Caleb grunts, smacking Klaus to get him to shut up and leave.

"Ow! Jesus Christ!What's the matter with you?" Klaus asks, appalled with what just happened, not knowing the Amish to be hostile. "I... I thought you peoplewere supposed to be nice!"

"That's what you calla misconception, English." Caleb answers, standing protectively in front of the woman Klaus was talking with.

"All right, fine." Klaus states, walking away. "Fine! But I want you to know that you have ruinedthe Amish for me, forever! In here. Ruined."

Klaus turns away and walks back down the road, not willing to give up but also not wanting to start a fight with his family members.

"It's okay, Sarah-Beth.He's leaving." Caleb states, not realizing Sarah-Beth was not threatened by the man once.

Meanwhile, with Five and Marah. They find a nice field of cows, where they parked the car. Five kept the radio on as he grabbed a book from the car, where it came from, none of us know.

Marah sits in the front of the car, bored. She looks back to see Five focused on the book and not looking at her.

She turns to the landscape and slowly feels her eyes starting to shut. With nothing better to do, she let's sleep consume her.

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