Never felt so wronged but
In the End
The room of blame only welcomes me
Never it occurred to me that
This day would come.
But it came
So long so You willed it
And you did
Naïve as I was
'Forever' was hopelessly on my mind
The beauty of teenage love is
The cruel lie that it will last 'forever'
All things have an end
Move on
But you didn't
I could've
But scars never heal
Driving it all alone
Like a lost hippie on a highway
How would it make you feel on the other end?
Your response never validated your actions
Accuse me all you like
Two wrongs never make a right
Realize that the night
Is soon approaching
And when it does
I will not be there to observe the mishaps of Karma
Gods Will
Wherever you go
Don't spoil my name
Whoever you seek
Don't mention my name
Whyever, you leave?
I'll never know.
Dwelling upon the insignificant past is meaningless
Life sometimes never gives out answers
And you are one of them
One that I'll never figure out
Much botherless
My biggest choice and my biggest mistake
I wish you well
Dear Human