"I wish we could stay like this forever"

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Just a short one today that I have had written for a while but had to put into wattpad. Thanks for reading :)


"I wish we could stay like this forever"

The fourth trimester of pregnancy was something they never talk about. It was like a hidden secret held by all parents in the world that they dare not speak on. The experience was like an induction into parenthood, as if birthing wasn't enough.

Nobody warned Eliza that it would be like this. God only knows how many people made their way to their hospital room the first couple of days, and the sheer amount of people who had visited these first three days home. They all wanted to hold and kiss on little Philip; who cared about her?

The hours spent awake trying to rock the baby back to sleep and the countless amount of ticks from the clock heard while breastfeeding were practically driving her nuts. Alexander helped when he could, changing diapers and singing Philip back to sleep, but clearly he couldn't help feed him.

They were both exhausted (mostly from the amount of people they had seen), and would guiltily admit that they've already begun snapping at each other at any moment of inconvenience.

It was two in the morning when Philip began crying again. Eliza got up after rubbing her eyes, making her way to the bassinet. She could see him rooting, so she picked him up and kissed his cheek before sitting on the edge of the bed and nursed him.

"Everything okay?" Alexander mumbled turning towards her in bed.

Eliza looked back at him with tears brimming in her eyes. "I'm exhausted, and your son keeps wanting to feed every hour. I wish I wasn't the only one who could feed him," she admitted. "God that makes me sound like an awful mother."

"No it doesn't." He sat up in bed, moving closer to her. He kissed the back of her neck while looking at their sweet son.

As Philip finished feeding, the new family of three cuddled against the headboard. Philip was already sleeping on Eliza's chest, and Eliza was leaning against Alexander.

"I'm sick of everyone visiting," Eliza laughed through her tears. "I wish we could stay like this forever. No one barging in and trying to steal baby cuddles from us without caring about how we're doing. This is the calmest life has been since he was born. I like this a lot."

"So do I," he responded before placing a kiss on the top of her head.

"I can't believe how much our lives have changed already. How did we make something so cute?" Eliza smiled, tapping Philip's nose gently, watching his face crinkle up like a bunny. His scrunched up face settled as Alexander leaned over to stroke his cheek.

Alexander nearly melted at Philip's reaction, in awe that this little boy was his. "Well you are his mother. Not only is there one perfect person in the world, but now two."

"You're silly," she whispered, shaking her head. "Though I do agree; I can't believe how perfect he is."

It wasn't long before she had dozed off again, Philip still asleep on her chest. Their chests rose together as they breathed, Alexander in awe of the sight. He picked up his son and brought him back to his bassinet. He pecked Philip's cheek gently after laying him down and whispered, "Give your mama a break—sleep a little longer this time. We love you."

And soon enough, Alexander was out as well. 

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