Huston we have a situation here...

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I really didn't know what was going on but all of the sudden some loud bangs could be heard and we were dropped soo badly down. All the while my papa was holding me tight while I was crying and then the door was basically thrown out of the place and a bunny looking girl was looking at us completly perplexed while I looked at her just for a bit before hiding again.

Papa: Would you god damn mind your own business...

Miruko: Let the kid go.

Papa: He is crying and my kid. Now leave!

Miruko: Can't do that.

Papa: Baby bird... Hey... baby bird.. shhh.. It's okay.

Me: *sob* I don't want to.

Papa: I know.

Me: No!

I felt someone grab me but I was holding to my papa's neck tightly and he was also holding on to me. It was clear by now that I didn't had any intention of leaving my papa at all. Too bad for me that this bunny had other intentions. She tried to get me off his hands but my father grabbed something and the next thing I knew I was let go.

Miruko: Wow.

The other door was opened right next to us and another person came in. The thing was that my father moved me a bit to the side so I was sitting on one leg and hugging him. However with the door opening and someone grabbing me, I was completly left speechless.


Papa: IZUKU! 

I looked at the car as I was actually lifted off the ground and it was starting to get a bit scary. That didn't helped with me crying at all. Not only that but I saw that the person who now was holding on to me had wings and he was holding tight to me. Well he had to since I was fighting to get back to my papa. I didn't wanted to be away from him.

Me: *sniff* Papa *sniff*

???: Aww come on. Don't cry.. Don't cry feathers.

Whatever this bird was trying to do it didn't worked so he landed down a bit firther away and handed me over to someone or tired to if I didn't bit him first so he would drop me. Once on the ground, I started to run at my pap.


Papa: Baby Bird! Stay! Don't come closer! 

Me: BUT  *sniff* PAPA!

Papa: I'll get you! Don't worry.

Me: NO! I wanna be with you papa!

Not carrying for anything I continued to run at my father who was being captured by the heroers at this point. It was bad and I saw how bad it looked for him but I wanted to be there. It felt lonely and I also felt as if something would happen if I wasn't close to him.

???: And I gotcha again. Don't me this time.

Me: Let go!

???: Sorry but can't do.

Me: I *sniff* I want to be with *sniff* Papa.

???: Hey! Stop it!

Miruko: Hawks, wanna give him to me?

Hawks: Have your try.

Miruko: Ryuku! Wanna help calm him down?

Ryuku: Sure. How about ... this?

I was crying and that chicken handed me over to that bunny before I saw a dragon. It was soo out of place but it looked so amazing that I was actually distracted for a bit. 

Miruko: Aww he likes you.

Ryuku: You mean dragons? Wanna hold him up so he can touch my scales?

Miruko: Sure.

She did exactly that and I was way to amazed as how it was shiney and how she shifted into a dragon. It was really soo interresting that I stopped crying for a bit only. That was until I heard screaming and looked at my papa again.

Papa: Make sure he is safe or I'll go after everyone here!

Me: Papa... PAPA!

Miruko: Hey, hey, hey look!

Ryuku: Put him on my back, let's take a flight. This should do it.

Miruko: Sure.

Hawks: I don't know if this is a good idea.

Ryuku: You are only mad because he bit you.

Hawks: Not true.

They tried to do something but I didn't wanted to be away from my father any longer so I fight back and tried for them to put me on the ground but they didn't do anything like that. In the end I was put in a police car and another person I didn't know up until now came in sitting right nect to me. He looked like a stray man.

Me: *sniff* 

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