Start from the beginning

"Okay, Mistral." Rose's green eyes looked into Mistral's own. "Let me just start by saying this is a safe space. There will be no judgement. I'm only doing this to help you."


"Do you have anything you'd like to share to start with?"


"Okay." Rose sighed, looking down to think. Mistral waited for her to finish. "Then why don't we start with Mettaton?"

"He doesn't exist anymore." Mistral crossed her arms, pulling herself in smaller. "What's the point?"

"Because he was important to you." Rose shook her head sadly. "Besides, he's still in there, somewhere. Beneath all that pain."

Mistral looked up sharply. "How do you know he's in pain?"

"Your shared SOUL is radiating with it. And he feels different from you."

Mistral went quiet, feeling her own SOUL. She examined the connection to Mettaton's, feeling that barrier that she couldn't reach through. The barrier he was on the other side of. But if she really thought about it... Rose was right. There WAS an intense feeling of pain and suffering. Mistral internally flinched back from it. It made her own HOPE feel weak.

"It breaks you that you can't do anything for him, doesn't it?" Rose was giving her a sympathetic look.

Mistral nodded, bottom lip trembling. She held in her tears. She was sick of crying.

"But you're angry at him." It wasn't a question. Mistral knew Rose was feeling her anger.

"He killed my dad." Mistral hardened her gaze, pushing the sadness down further, drawing into her burning resolve. "He... needs JUSTICE."

"I agree." Rose nodded. "Although, really, that was Lightning Bolt."

"That's who Mettaton has become." Mistral looked away, to the window. To the storming bright sky of chaos. "No matter what happens, things will never be the same again. I don't know what to do anymore. But I really don't like the way things are now."

"I don't think anybody does, except the demon." Rose hesitated. "What about your mom? It seems like... there's resentment there too."

"She treats me like I'm a fragile toddler." Mistral tapped her feet on the floorboards in frustration. "Like I don't know that she's sad too. Like I have no ability to protect myself from anything. I'm twelve, not five. And half the time I feel a lot older. I'm sick of the pity. I'm sick of all the pity!!"

"You should let yourself communicate these things instead of just keeping them inside." Rose took Mistral's hand, holding it in her warmth. "It's good to let yourself be angry. Your mom, everyone else, they would understand."

"I don't want to hurt people." She shifted her gaze down, pulling her hand away listlessly, her anger melting. "It's just... so hard."

"Do you want to talk about your dad?" Rose's voice was soft and caring.

"Not really." Mistral pushed the sad thoughts of Ray Pines even further down this time, with even more aggression. "Whenever I think of him, all I can think of is how angry I am at Mettaton, at Bill. And..."

"At yourself?"

"Yeah. But I didn't make Dad jump in to save me. It's not me who needs JUSTICE." Mistral felt her anger rise and threaten to boil over more intensely than it ever had. "I didn't make Bill target Mettaton, or Mettaton help him destroy everything. And maybe it was my fault Mettaton was about to murder me, but I can't go around blaming myself for someone else trying to kill me."

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