Chapter 5. Cursed

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Gray's POV


A tunnel of ice comes spiralling down knocking me off my feet. I am thrown back, off the pile of boulders and down onto the frozen ground billow.


My head slams against the ground sending excruciating pain through my body. My ears ring and my system starts to shut down vein by vein. The sky blurs into the clouds or maybe the clouds blur into the sky.

I-- don't know? I-- don't remember? Why-- am I here?

The chilled ground begins to thaw due to the heavy flow of blood pooling out my head leaving me colder than the snow.

Like a broken tv, pixilated colors flash accross my vision. Slowly, zigzagging me into darkness.



The sound of an overused furnace heating up the fridged winters air awakens me from my sleep.


My eyes urgently flash open and I abruptly sit up.

"Where is she?!" I demand violently snapping my head left and right.

Where is she?! Where am I?!

"Gray.. Calm down.." Mira appears by my side placing a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "Everythings okay now, you're in the guilds infirmary."

"Where is she? Where's (f/n)?" I demanding pushing mira off.

"(F/n)? Was someone else with you? Loki only found you."

"T-there was a girl.." My adrenaline is quickly being replaced by the pain of my latest injuries. "She.. AHH--!"

Too soon the pain becomes unbearable. Screaming, I bring my hands up to the back of my head as if somehow that will stop the pain.

"Gray-! Gray!"

I can hear Mira yelling somewhere in the distance. I rive in pain, tearing away all the cords that I just now realized were attached to my body.

The pain only gets worse. The room is filled with my wails.

"I-I c-can't-...!"

Suddenly the outline of a shadowy figure covers my vision and the pain stops.

"It's just as I thought." A voices mumbles. "He's been cursed."

"Cursed...? What do they mean I've been curs...."

Lights out.

Authors note!!! Read below please!

Hey everyone! I'm sorry I know this is a short chapter be I've decided that chapters are going to be shorter now. Since my creativity comes in bursts so will my chapters! But this means you'll get more chapters more often!! Yaay!:)

I know this chapter is a little confusing but I promise everything will be explained in the next chapter!!

Thanks for reading!!

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