Dutch: U swept with my bwothew?!
Richard: youre next
Dutch: O_O
Dutch: I mean, I can understand hating someone so much you want to curse them...
Finn: Do you have someone like that too, Dutch?
Dutch: Nope. Do you?
Finn, pondering: Someone I want to curse?
[Finn thinks for several moments]
Dutch: Uh, you don't need to think so hard about it.
[Finn continues to quietly think even longer]
Dutch, visibly anxious: Huh..?
Finn: Can't think of anyone.
Dutch: Don't take so long then! You actually scared me!
Dutch: The best part of an oreo is the black cookie part and not the frosting part. Deal with it.
Finn: Darkness without light is an abyss. Light without darkness is blinding. You cannot have a coin with one side.
Anne: Yo Socrates, it's a fucking cookie.
Dutch: Here's a little advice: I don't like you.
Richard: Not so much advice as it is a hurtful statement based on limited interaction, but alright.
Dutch: Hi
Dutch: Everyone's bones are wet.
Finn: Why would you say that?!
Dutch: No one said hi back.
Dutch: Finn has these insanely strong opinions on everything. Go on, ask him a thing no one should have an opinion on.
Miles: Hey, Finn, what's the worst multiple of four?
Finn: Twelve, obviously. Dumbass.