Gabiru arrival

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after assigning work to kijins, I went to visit shizue san . I haven't seen her for few days . She seem to be in training ground practicing with hakurou and others.

" Rimuru san " she said after noticing me

" Shizue San how are you feeling now"

" I am feeling great and much stronger than ever "

" It seems you are now able to control your powers better than before "

" Yes but hakurou San  really is master with swords . In swords fight I can't beat him . "

" He really is brilliant with swords . Even I can't take him lightly in swords fight .
         Shizue san you seem to evolve into saint ( spiritual lifeform ) completely . "

" Yes now I can live without sleep and foods  . While I don't need to sleep anymore , I  still couldn't get rid of my old habit as a human . "

" Their is nothing wrong with it is it ."

" Ya "

<< Individual: shizue san
     Ep: 2.3 million
     Race : human saint
     Hero's egg bearer >>

Lake shisu situated in the center of the jura forest surrounded by marshlands is domain of lizardmen .
A smattering of caves surrounded the lake is the lizardmen stronghold .
In a throne a lizardman is seen sitting appeared to be their chief .

" Chief , orcs force are seen near and they are advancing towards lake shisu " a spy lizardman came to throne room and said .

" What orcs ." Chief said
Spy nodded .

" Prepare for battle . We shall kick those pigs back to where they came from . " Chief said

" The orc force numbers a total of two hundred thousand are marching " another one of spies said

" Ridiculous that couldn't be possible ! " One of the lizardmen elders sitting in the throne room shouted .

" Is this true ? " Lizardmen chief asked

" By my very life , my Lord ! "

" Very well you may go . "

" How can they form such large army . Orcs are not an intelligent monsters . How can they be . " One of lizardmen elders said

" Could there be an orc Lord among their ranks ? ! " Chief whispered but every person in room listened and felt silent . They know what it means . That they can't defeat this foe .

" An orc Lord ..."

" But surely ...."

" If they have an orc Lord then that could certainly explain why they have come together . "
One by one lizardmen elders said 

" Can we defeat them . " One of them asked

" We need back up . Call my son here right now . " He ordered one of guards
He tried to be confident so that lizardmen morale doesn't go down .

A lizardman with green skin wearing a brown armour stronger than other lizardmen appeared.

" Father you called me " he said

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