This book is for those who love slow-burn, chaotic, "how can they be that stupid," "about bloody time," wrench-your-heart-but-make-you-feel-so-good romances. Because what's life without a bit of drama, right? Throw in epic chaos, a princess on the r...
The sun had barely risen when the trio had arrived at the academy. They had spent the entire night scrounging through the forests and killing everything in sight. It was a gruesome task, but they all knew it would be worth it.
As they walked through the academy's gates, they were met with a fiery redhead, who completed their circle. The three men exchanged knowing looks as she began her tirade at them, contempt evident in her voice.
"Had fun?" She leered, "did you allllll have fun!" rage at the tip of her tongue.
Her question was met with three sets of smirks from the guys.
"You went on a rampage!" She scolded, "there are thousands of reports coming in that something was happening at the eastern border!"
"And?" Matthew shook his head, unrepentant. "They deserved it."
"You's are in so much trouble from Cid, the reports all indicated four crystal warriors!"
"Yea, the pain in the ass had the same idea, and was there doing the same thing," Matthew muttered rolling his eyes. He led the way with Toni and Richie, with Jesse trailing behind.
"Besides," Richie shifted his head. "What is Cid all annoyed about anyway?"
Toni scoffed, "That we disobeyed, let's be real here." But before he could say more, Jesse cut him off.
Jesse's voice was loud and angry as she barked at the group, "You weren't meant to go on a killing spree! He was furious when he started to get reports about what was happening. He knew it was your idea, Matthew!"
Matthew, who had been leading the group, suddenly stopped in his tracks and turned around to face Jesse, "Who dobbed?" he interrogated, looking around for any signs of who might have alerted the academy.
Jesse shook her head in disbelief, "Miguel's academy probably saw you three idiots!" she exclaimed, her frustration palpable.
Matthew shrugged, he really hadn't cared, he made his way up the stairs from the garden. Two at a time, followed by Toni and Richie that smirk at Jesse that was in front of them, as she kept barraging him. He shrugged it off and bounded up the stairs from the gardens of Allegiant, two at a time. Toni and Richie followed suit, smirking at Jesse as they passed her.
"Was fun though," Richie commented, and Jesse couldn't hold back her anger any longer. She spun on her heel, pointing at the pair and yelling,
"Both of you!" She point at the giggling duo, "zip it!"
Matthew reached the top of the stairs and turned to face Jesse, his trademark megawatt smile spreading across his face. "Lighten up, Jess," he joked. "You're just angry at us because you didn't get to go."
"That is beside the point!" she scolded, but Matthew had already started to walk off, leaving the three of them to continue forward.
"Anyway, Jess, would love to stay and chat, but I should go face the boss," he said with a smirk.
"Or perhaps go face your fan club, or your girlfriend, or anything like that!"
Jesse's sharp words hit Matthew like a slap in the face, causing him to slow down and come to a halt. He turned to face her, finding her arms folded across her chest and a fiery look in her eyes, with Toni and Richie smirking behind her.
"What!?" Jesse scolded impatiently, tapping her foot for a response. But Matthew couldn't help the smirk that crept onto his face, the same one he always tried to hide when her name came up, the same one that betrayed his true feelings for her.
"Not a girlfriend - Jessica," he corrected her, the use of her full name indicating his patience was wearing thin. "You remember that." With that, he walked away, leaving Jesse to spin around to the two boys who were cracking up in laughter.
"What's so funny?" she demanded, feeling left out and confused.
"I'm leaving this debacle to you." Richie said, slapping Toni's shoulder. "Mya's going to kill me. I left Mac with her for a few hours. My day and all."
As Richie jogged off, Jesse turned to Toni, eyebrows furrowed in suspicion. "What's going on?" she asked.
"It's just him, Jess," Toni replied, trying to reassure her.
But Jesse wasn't convinced. "What am I missing here?" thick, styled eyebrows furrowed at his words, "do you know something?" then they narrowed suspiciously and all at once, "what did you guys talk about out there?"
Toni refused to answer, her tone firm. "What we talk about is between us miss, so stop with your judgy little eyes on him."
Jesse's eyes widened in shock. "Wait, what? Toni, spill!" she demanded, unable to contain her excitement.
Toni just smiled and placed his finger to his lips, indicating that she should keep the information to herself. But Jesse couldn't help but whack his arm in frustration. "What are we talking about here?" she asked, eager for any scrap of information. "Scale of one to Daphne's obsession?""
"More than what we've ever seen from him, not that he'll admit it," Toni replied. "Literally, though, he couldn't stop talking about her."
With that comment, Toni walked off, followed closely by the red-haired that continued to bombarded him with a hundred one more questions about this new development.
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oohhhhh the gang is back togetttttheeerrrrr!!!!! Just saying.... VOTE!!!!
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