Title: The Evil Boss - L.S
Author: Tommoy
Time: 3h 36m (17 chapters)
Finished: ✅
Description: Louis is the new secretary for the famous CEO Harry Styles, who has had a record for breaking hearts. Almost instantly, Louis hates the man yet lusts after him all together. So they make a deal to use each other for their own needs. But what happens when the CEO's ice cold heart starts cracking?
I have a secret! I love CEO Larry fics! I don't know why I just do ahahah this was a good one, I liked how I got a little update about how the other characters lives are going. I just wish there was more of an epilogue.
Larry Stylinson wattpad recommendations
FanfictionThe title is pretty self explanatory :) But this will include: -title -author - time it takes to read - how many chapters there is - wether it's finishe - smut or not - Tw (may be in the comments if it ruins the plot) -description - my opinion ...