final chapter:

370 3 10

Don't own anything

Author pov:

Orochi launched a missile enterprise goes after it. Purifier chasing after her. Enterprise noticed something on her radar she back off.

Out of knowhere missile destroyed the warhead. Everyone shielded their eyes.

Orochi: WHAT!?

Amagi: it's shot down

titan: who shot it down?

Enterprise: radar picked up something coming very fast

Helena: detecting fighter jet, super cruising at low altitude. It just did a speed Barrier

Yukikaze: no way it's

Musashi looks takao

Takao: ... pheonix kun

Su37 terminator

He fires two missiles at Purifier flying at up then did a crazy post stall firing two more missiles destroying the warhead launcher silo aboard the orochi

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He fires two missiles at Purifier flying at up then did a crazy post stall firing two more missiles destroying the warhead launcher silo aboard the orochi. He flies at highspeed.



typhoon: takao....

Takao: I'll explain later he's my boyfriend. Our secret commander

Super Missouri: make contact

Prinz: his comms are off

Hipper: it's better more focus on the task at hand

azur lane the animation: the arrival of gigantic warships CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now