What Do We Do With The Baby?

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What Do We Do With The Baby? 

Chapter 2!

The hallways of the unholy church were silent this morning, the Clergy members still hadn't returned home yet from their overnight trip to another Ministry in the region. The Clergy spread across the globe, they were connected in every capital city. It had been this way for decades, they were rooted into the soil of this ruthless world. They were watching and waiting, there were whispers of something sinister living within the Clergy. 

Nihil left his room and closed the door behind him, he was ready for another day of his Papa duties. He wasn't dressed in his papal robes again, he always kept it causal unless he had important  business meetings at the Ministry. Wandering down the hallway he yawned loudly, his night had been restless. His workload was stressful, his family life was becoming compilated. Primo had just turned fourteen, his nasty streak was getting worse. Secondo was ten, his rebellious attitude was becoming a problem. Terzo was nine, he behaved himself most days unless his Brothers teased him. And now he had another child to support, he had no idea how he was going to cope without a nanny around the unholy church to help him. Opening the office door he entered his working space, there was already a pile of folders on his desk. His ghouls always prepared his workload for him each morning, they always made sure he was updated with the latest Ministry business. Sighing to himself he closed the door behind him and headed over to his drinks cabinet, he needed an alcoholic breakfast. Pouring himself a whisky he walked over to his desk, he was going to need something to get him through his morning. Settling down in front of his typewriter he took a fountain pen from his desk draw, he had paperwork to sign and reports to file. Not to mention he had an important phone appointment this afternoon with the Los Angeles branch of the Clergy, they had been pestering him again about Primo. 

They wanted him to start preparing his eldest Son for his future Papa Emeritus role, but he had refused to cooperate with the Los Angeles Clergy. Primo was too young, he wasn't ready yet. He wasn't close with his Son, but he was only trying to protect him. But he was also doing it for selfish reasons, he didn't want to give up his Papa role just yet. He was enjoying the perks of the job, he had a good wage and a roof over his head. He was respected amongst his ghouls, they feared him. He enjoyed the power he had been granted, the endless supply of nannies cured his itch when needed. He was living a charmed life, he had everything he ever desired. A knock at his office door caught his attention, he took a sip of his drink before he spoke.

" Enter." He said.

The door slowly opened, it was Nihil's favourite ghoul. The ghoul had his Papa's newest family addition in his arms, he had stayed with her all night. Nihil rolled his eyes at them and turned his attention towards his typewriter, he didn't have time to deal with his children right now. He began to type while he ignored his ghoul, but he was soon disturbed by his ghoul clicking his fingers in front of his face. He shooed the ghoul's hand away, he didn't like being disturbed while he was doing his daily documents for the Clergy.

" Go away, I have work to do!" He sighed while he continued to type. " You will have to take care of her for now, bring her back in the evening. I'll arrange for some childcare in the morning."

The ghoul sighed to himself, he couldn't take care of baby. He had his own duties to attend to around the Ministry, he was just one ghoul. There was no one else at the unholy church who would be capable of caring for this child, the other ghouls were different than him. Looking at the little girl in his arms he carried her over to the nearest cabinet, she was curiously staring up at him. The ghoul tickled her chin, he was fond of children. He had helped to raise Secondo and Terzo when there was no nannies around, he had even been Primo's teacher at one point. His gaze soon focused on the cabinet,  curling his fingers around the biggest draw's handle he yanked it from the cabinet. Papers and files scattered across the office, this soon caught the attention of Nihil. His fists slammed down on his desk while he got to his feet, he was furious with his ghoul.

" No, no, no! What the hell are you doing?!" He yelled.

The ghoul ignored his Papa and threw the draw on the floor, he kicked it towards Nihil's desk. He carried the child over to the draw and placed her down inside of it, he wasn't the hired help. The ghoul clicked his fingers at Nihil, he mimicked feeding and changing a baby. He was informing his Papa in his own way that he had fed and changed her, he then gave him a thumbs up before he left the office. Nihil wasn't happy about being lumbered with his newest child, he couldn't take care of her and do his paperwork at the same time. Slumping down in his chair he rested his head on his hand, he couldn't believe that his favourite ghoul had made mess in his office. His workload had doubled, he now had to refile all of his paperwork. His thoughts were interrupted by his child making gurgling sound, his mismatched eyes soon focused on his little one. She looked happy being inside the draw, her legs were kicking around and her fist was in her mouth. She seemed content, but he knew she couldn't stay in the draw all day.

" And what am I meant to do with you, uh?!" He asked.

Sighing deeply to himself Nihil pushed his chair away from his desk before he took his child from the draw, resting her feet on his leg he held her up straight. He leaned in close and looked at her features, he had no idea who she resembled. She didn't look like him or any of her older siblings, he didn't even know the identity of her Mother. He had slept with many of the nannies over the last year, he could have gotten any one of them pregnant without even knowing. He had a reputation for being a ladies man, he enjoyed sowing his wild oats. His party lifestyle had ended years ago, the only perks he got were from the hired help. His thoughts were interrupted when the child yawned and whined, her eyes closed slightly before she jerked her head backwards. She was fighting the urge to sleep, her older siblings use to do the same thing when they were babies.

" Are you ready for a nap, little one?" He asked, he looked over at his whisky glass with a slight smirk on his face. " Let's get you a nightcap, it always helped my boys. It helps me sleep too. You'll be asleep in no time, I have a lot of work to do."

Cradling his child in his arms Nihil took a swig of his drink before he dipped his index finger into his glass, he then coated his finger with whisky. It was an old trick he had learnt through the years of having children, he sometimes added whisky to his boys hot milk before they went to bed. Bringing his finger tip to her lips he allowed her to suckle it, he couldn't help but smile when her tiny hand wrapped around his thumb. It had years since he had used this parenting method on a baby, the last time he had given whisky to a baby was when he was trying to get Terzo to sleep. Leaning back in his chair he put his feet up on his desk, he got comfortable on his seat. A groan escaping his lips he looked up at the ceiling, he needed to sort out some childcare for the morning. 

" I've got to stop banging the nannies..." He muttered.

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