37. Mario

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(little recap)
"Y/n." The wind seems to whisper to me.

"What do you want?" I yell knowing what's going to happen.

My arm gets grabbed and pulled. My human strength is nothing compared to this.

I open my eyes to see Seth growling and on top of a dark haired guy. He has deep red eyes and is growling uncontrollably at Seth.

I don't know what to do.

Seths eyes dart to me and they're saying one thing.


And I do. Like hell.

I force my legs to run faster than I have ever possibly ran before. I see the vampires running towards the scene.

Edward stops to talk to me.
"What is it?" He asks.
"Just one?"
"That I saw."

God there might be more, and Seths alone.

"Okay get to the house now." He says.
"What no." I say.
"No. They might be waiting for me there."

He looks at me as if he's challenging me. I make myself stand up taller.

"I hate you." He mutters as he turns around. "Hold on." He says.

He takes me to the scene.

I hide behind a couple trees.

The vampire is pinned by Bella, who's growling at him.

"Who are you?" Carlisle asks him.
"Let me go, and I might say." He says looking at them all. His voice is scary. It's raspy and weird.

"Comply and I might let you go." Bella growls.

He sighs.

"I'm Mario." He says calmly. "And I know she's watching somewhere. So you can come out now sweetheart." He says earning a warning growl from Seth.

I step out infront of him. In seconds Seth is standing between us.

"What do you want?" I say. He looks at me. I can't take his blood red eyes seriously.
"I was sent on a mission." He says. I look at Edward for help.

"Can you get off now?" He says to Bella.

"Before she does let me remind you that we as a group can catch up to you if you run. And once we do we will kill you." Edward says.
"Got it."

Bella gets off and Mario stands up.

"What mission?" I ask narrowing my eyes.
"I'm a part of the vulturi." He says. I notice Edward and Bella share a look. "They sent me to follow you and figure out your abilities." He says. "They also wanted to know if you were a vampire."
"What the hell?" I mutter.

"Why can't I see you? In my visions." Alice asks.
"My ability. I can hide, very well." Mario says. "That's why my connection to the Vulturi has been kept secret for some time now."

I'm extremely confused. Why is the Vulturi so interested in me?

"Why is the Vulturi so interested in her?" Carlisle asks for me.
"They find a human with abilities facinating. They want to know what would happen if she were to convert."
"That's sick." I say.
"I find their obsession with you to be strange as well."

"It's funny cause when I came to find you, it took me a bit because you almost smell more like a wolf than a human. Your wolf's scent covers yours pretty well." He says.
"Good to know." I say softly.
"Is it because she's always with him?" Emmett asks.
"Might be, or it could have something to do with his imprinting." Carlisle says.

"What do you mean?" I ask.
"I thought about something a couple days ago, I'll tell you about it later." He says. I nod.

"Well what do you plan on doing now?" Esme asks Mario.
"I want to get back to the Volturi. I need to feed and I know how picky you lot are on human feedings here so I haven't."
"We apreciate that." Carlisle says.

"Now if you excuse me-." Mario starts before being cut off by Jasper.
"What do you plan on telling them?" He asks.
"That Y/n can see visions of the past, present, or future. She can't control them. She is not a vampire and doesn't seem to have any intentions of ever being one." He says. "Did I hit all the points?" He asks.
"Sounds about right." I say.
"I'm good at my job."

"Ooh I would like to add I found your little plan to be very smart. I wasn't able to detect the wolf and when he attacked I was caught off guard. I've never fought one so I didn't know what to do. They're quite strong."
"He says thank you." Edward says.

"Well it has been quite the pleasure of meeting you. Y/n, I have enjoyed my time of following you, I'm glad I got to meet your wolf boy. I wish you all the best of luck, but I must now go on my way." Mario says.

If only I knew my so called stalker was so sweet. Maybe I wouldn't have been so worried.

"Thank you, and you too." I say.
"Bye." I say. With that he disappears and a gush of wind hits me.

"That was certainly not what I expected." I say.
"Agreed." Seth says now in his human form.

"All that worrying for him to be pretty calm." Emmett says laughing.
"Who would've known?" I laugh.

"It's getting late and I would like to sleep in my own bed tonight." I say. They all nod.

We all walk back to the house. Seth and I get our stuff and say our goodbyes, promising to come back over tomorrow.

Seth then drives me home. I greet Charlie and head upstairs.

I plop onto my bed.
"I missed it." I say. He laughs falling next to me.

"I'm going to shower I'll be back." I say kissing him as I get up. I grab some clean clothes and hop in the shower.

Once I get out so does Seth.

We both lay in my bed. I hadn't realized how tired I was. I lay my head on his chest.
"Thank you." I say.
"For?" He asks.
"Always being there for me and being the first to protect me." He kisses my head.
"I love you." He says.
"I love you too." I say closing my eyes and falling asleep.

(A.n: so heres the chapter guys, tell me what you think. I can't believe I'm almost done with this story. next chapter should be the last one. it's already in the making. i love you guys

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