Chapter 52

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A/N: I'm excited about this winner girl cause it might appear unexpected to the readers hehe
anyways! We're close to ending! Bear with me!-

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It was a week left until the festival, the school was a flurry of activity. From now on, we were allowed to stay in our classroom to prepare. In other rooms, the students were carrying a cardboard boxes and setting up the paints.

The Dance members seems to have a plan.

"Okay, now that I have everyone's attention. Please listen to what I'm going to say. We are going to participate the festival by performing an elegant presentation in front of our audience. Not just everyone in school but as well as the guests. We need a pair, one boy and one girl. The rest are going to participate of course by playing a minor role." The teacher explains.

"Eeh? Just one pair? That sucks!"

"I'm guessing the theme is about Royal Theme, yeah?"

Certainly, this is their theme for the Festival. A roleplay that requires elegance and dancing.

"We are partnered with Choir Club, of course. So it'll be like an opera stage," Their teacher states.

"Wow! That's gotta be like, amazing!?"
"I can't wait for it!"
"Well, the princess is going to be Momo,"
"I know, she's good at dancing."
"Teacher is gonna pick her for sure,"

Apparently, as Momo was quietly sitting across the floor in the distance. The girls are already gossiping loudly with an ugly stare.

"They're just jealous, poor them!" Momo rolls an eye.

"Hey, hey, heard this rumor? It's crazy!"

"Oh? What is it! What is it?"

"I heard from the Janitor that last night... our room keeps lighting up everytime he reaches outside after switching off the light,"

"Eehh...?! Th-that's kinda creepy!"

"He's been doing it three times in a row and he sees no one in the room! He got scared to investigate and called the guards! But they still found nothing, then the moment they are past the restroom, they heard a flushing sound and a creaked door!"

"S-stop it, I don't wanna hear it now!"

"Momo, do you know this rumor?" A friendly member asked but Momo was startled by the story she just heard, her arms were on top of her head and deafened her ears.

"Ooh..? Y-yes... it's scary! Yeah.. scary!" Momo is known to be a scaredy cat at this kind of conversation. Her whole body shakes in fear.

"I'll announce everyone's role now," As they were dismissed, the bitter girls were still whispering under their breathes.

"Ugh, it's always Momo, isn't it?"

"I heard from the previous years that this had happened before. Whoever is paired up, will end up together! It's decided by destiny they said!"

"Really? Dang, Momo's gonna be lucky,"

Hearing this, Momo lowered her head and she fisted her hand. "I'm going to end up with my Darling," A strange silence hang over her, she was rather relieved than anticipated.

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