Chapter 31

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"Why won't you let me see him??" Jimin complains because Yoongi blocked his way and prevent him from reaching Jungkook's bedroom.

Well, today is Saturday so they don't have class but still, Jimin and Hoseok who is in the kitchen by the way, went to the Jeon mansion because Jimin dragged Hoseok to come here, to visit Jungkook he 'said'.

"He's still sleeping and he doesn't-"

"I don't care if he's sleeping or not!! I will wake him. It's 9am, anyway!!!" Jimin pouts but it Yoongi didn't bulge who stands in front of him as a hard barrier.

Well, Taehyung and Jungkook are probably still tangled up together in Jungkook's bed so it's not a so good idea for Jimin to get there. Yoongi's not sure if Jungkook locked the door so that's why he stands in front of Jimin. Fortunately, Jimin is weaker than him, though.

"Hobi!!!" Cries out Jimin and the boy named Hobi aka Jung Hoseok left his food to join the two men who's in front of Jungkook's bedroom door.

"What?" Hoseok asks in a bored tone.

Frankly, he didn't intend to even come here to annoy Jungkook but Jimin literally went to his house early in the morning and dragged him so here he is.

"Will you help me? This tiny man won't let me see Kookie!!" Jimin complains to which Hoseok rolls his eyes and Yoongi groans out of annoyance.

Well, he may have a crush on Jimin but the man is still annoying sometimes-

"Let him see his 'Kookie', Min. You know he won't stop whining unless-" Hoseok simply says to Yoongi before going back to the kitchen to let Jimin deal with Yoongi by himself.

I mean, it's not his business, he mainly came here for breakfast and he's happy that Yeona was there to prepare him some delicious food.

"This little bitch-" Jimin grits as he looks at Hoseok disappearing from his sight.

"Will you wait in the kitchen with your friend? I'll inform Jungkook-ssi that you're here" Yoongi sighed out when Hoseok was away.

Right, sooner or later, Jimin will lose his patience so he needs to find a way to wake Jungkook and Taehyung before Jimin could find out that they were sleeping together, last night.

"But I want to wake him up-!!!" Jimin sulks.

Well, he's used to wake his 'Kookie' up with some kisses and all and it's been a while so that's why he's being a brat, right now. He just wants to wake the younger up by himself, it's been a fucking eternity!!!

"It's whether you agree to that or you won't see him, today!!" Yoongi snapped and only then did Jimin nods his head in defeat.

Guess, he will find another opportunity to wake Kookie up, next time.


"Jungkook-ssi!!" Yoongi knocked on the door for the fifth time, he was about to give up and walk away when the door in front of him suddenly swing open, revealing a shirtless Jungkook with messy hair and rubbing his eyes furiously.

"What the fuck do you want???" Jungkook snapped in a groggy voice.

He was peacefully sleeping with Taehyung cuddling up with his body when Yoongi fucking knocked on the door and even if he ignored it at first, he couldn't take it when the older won't stop knocking on the fucking door-

"Your friends are here. Jimin-ssi and Hoseok-ssi to be precise"

"Wait-What?" Jungkook flinched at the mention of his friends.

What the fuck are they doing here?? He didn't recall telling Jimin nor Hoseok to pass by.

"Shit-!" Jungkook curses under his breath. "Just distract them or something. I'll wake Taehyung"

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