chapter she was kissing him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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---------------------------------------------------------jessicas pov-----------------------------------------------------------------

becc stepped in and justin closed the door

then she walked back to justin and leaned in to kiss him oh carp!she was already making a move on him!! i thought

"justin.justin stood there shocked and then he began kissing her too pretty soon his lips traced down ot her jawline and then moved to her neck and he started  to suck!he wass giving my best friend a hickey!!!!!!!!!!  

"justin......"she moaned and i gasped then giggled and thye both looked over at me and i started to laugh harder

"becc i didnt no u were gonna make a move on him!!!!!!!!!!!!he has a girlfriend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"i said and laughed harder

"i wanna see what the paparizzas say when they hear about littlemrperfect.justin biebier cheated on his girlfriend!!" i said and stood up

justin rushed ovr to me and grabbed my wrist"rebecca or bacc whatever youre name is stay here....and u."he pointed to me"come with me" he said and practicalyy pulled me out of the room

i glanced back over to becc who sat on the couch and flipped through the tv channels then look over to the back of justins head 

"let go of me!!!!!!!" i said and then i insatantley felt the tingling majical feeling i felt yesterday at the car and i weakened my body shivered and my knees were weak

"were r u taking me??" i asked softly and weakly

he just walked up the stairs and and dragged me along with him                

we walked over to his bedroom door and flung it open throwing me inside then slamming the door shut behind hIm once he stepped inside 

he grabbed my arm and then backed me up to the wall and he grabbed my arms and pinned them to myside then he stepped close

ver very very close...................

'you better not tell the paparizzas!" he hissed in my face "what r u gonna do?....kill me if i do?"i asked and rolled my eyes he stepped even ccloser 

now i could feel his breath on  my face

"look"he said'what happened back there was nothing ! it? and if u tell anyone.......................ill...."he said stepping even closer now i could fell his chest on my chest

"hmm what will u d-do"i said weaky damn it i stuttered what the crap did u stutter for??? my mind raced and my heart beat quickened

he smirked "did u just stutter?"he asked and is smirk turned into a grin

"n-no.......damn it!"i said trying to keep my voice normal bacause now he was so close all i had to do was move my lips up and i could meet his

"u stuttered again........what do u like me this close"he asked and stpped closer now our lips were brushing

" i dont i dont like u and i will tell the paparizzas!"i said weakley

"well since u hate me so much then ull  hate it when i do this"he smirked then leaned a little fartther and kissed me 

at first it was light and my head exploded with fireworks

his lips aginst my lips he kissed me!!!!!!!!!! i moved sloowly wiht him and my heart was so hard and loud the i bet even he felt it

his hands went from pinning my sides to going on my hips and i founed my self playing with his hair

his lips trailed down my chin to my jawline

holy shit this felt good!!!!!!!!!!

his hands went around my wasit and his lips moved down my neck

and i breahthed harder "i can fell youre heart beat"he murmered into my neck and it tickled

i smiled

then his lips found mine again and pulled away

"now if u hate me then u hated that and if u tell the paprizzas i will have to give u a longer it?' he asked and played with a stran of my hair

"of course i hated it!!" i said and tryed to keep my voice from going squeaky

"well then if u hated it so much then y did youre heart beat increase when i kissed u? hmmmmmmmmm?" he asked and smirked

"well i did.......i gotta go and get becc .............dont think that kiss changed anything! i still hate u!!!" i said and oulled away from him

"well wel see about that wont we! but seriously plz dont tell the paparizza!!!!!!!" he pleaded

"y? u cheated on your grilffeind.............twice" i said 

"cuz if u hate this"he said and kissed my neck'then u wont tell the papirazza!"he said and then kissed my jaw line 

then found my lips one more time before we both pulled away and i ran out of his room

"what the hell have i done???"i said runningdown the stairs and grabbed becc

"comon lets go to my room and have soom girl time!!!" i said and we both ran uo the stairs and into my room

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