2022 Back Off

12 5 21

2022: I am here to stay!

Iris: You wish, loser!

Me: You're nothing but bad news!

Nk_works: You can't stay here forever! 2023 will be here eventually!

Spiceseeker: That's right!

Bob Kimball: Time marches on!

2022: I am never going away!

Brandon: Yes you will! Five months left!

2022: That's not enough time for me! *getting all worried*

Kyle: Absolutely not!

This story was written on Saturday, July 16th, 2022.

A/N 2022, your time will be up eventually! Time marches on! You only got 5 months left! Then bam! It will be 2023! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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