Chapter Twenty Five- Spencer

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"So let me get this straight... you have made me an accomplice to breaking Morgan's heart... for that abusive bitch Annie" Spencer asked. Her dark brown eyes bore into Joplin and mine as we sit opposite her in the hive.

"Boys" Betty greets with her note pad and pen poised "what can I get you this morning" she asks.

We all broke tense eye contact finally and looked to our menus with a casual glance knowing exactly what we wanted already. The menus were pointless in a town that had had that same darn menu for thirty years.

"A black coffee and granola bowl please Betty" Spencer answered first.

Joplin looked up to Betty with a teasing smile "I think you know my order already and this little" she pauses pointing between them both "this little courtesy is unnecessary... you know me Betty by now"

Betty rolls her eyes "I know nothing... tell me what you want or go hungry"

Joplin's lips lift with amusement. She loved winding her up "I think we both know I won't. My usual please" she says despite Betty's face looking unamused.

We all knew she had a soft spot for Joplin's teasing. She was the annoying little child that you couldn't help but love despite wanting to tear your hair out sometimes.

"And I will just have a smoothie Betty... I can't eat" I confess.

Spencer and Joplin both throw me a look "Leah if you don't eat you will shrink to nothing... who the hell wants to watch an exhausted Skeleton play on the WNBA in May. You better order something of substance or I'm going to go to your Momma and tell on you" Spencer reprimands, sticking out her tongue.

"Pancakes" Betty suggests.

I nod "okay" I give in begrudgingly.

Joplin turns back to Betty with a frown, pointing her finger accusingly "oh so you admit to knowing Leah's order...but feign any knowledge of mine. Sure Betty... sure... I see you... I know what you are trying to do...and it's okay... because I know deep down you love me"

Betty looks back to her as if she's thinking 'is she quite done' and nods with a fake smile before walking away.

Spencer snaps her fingers and Jo and I jump back to attention "back to the issue please... you've both dragged me into this drama with Morgan. Is that what you are telling me" she asks frustratedly.

I hold my head in my hands with shame and Joplin shrinks into her seat a little "Spencer it was the only thing we could suggest that would make her leave..."

"To suggest I was fucking Lee" she asks.

I shut my eyes briefly with embarrassment, and another wave of shame rolls over me.

Jo looks around to see if anyone overheard and she glared back at Spencer "a little louder Spen I don't think Betty quite heard you out back"

"I don't like this" Spencer argues.

I drop my hands from my face and look to her "neither do I... I can't eat. I can't sleep. I literally spend every hour of every day forcing myself not to pick up my cell and call her. I can end this all now. I know it. If I called and explained, but then Annie would do the unthinkable..."

"That bitch" Jo utters coldly.

"Why can't you call her and tell her and then both just keep this charade going until the divorce is finalised. Annie wouldn't have to know" Spencer suggests.

"Annie has eyes on Morgan all of the time..." I reveal.

"What do you mean" Spencer asks curiously as Betty returns, tray larger than her, in hand, placing down the coffee beside Spencer. She places my smoothie beside me and then finally with a sarcastic glare, Joplin's sweet honey tea.

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