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The last few years have been very busy.  It took a long time to work our way through the country ensuring our rights and fixing human rights as well.  We ensured reparations for slavery, and all the injustices faced since slavery supposedly ended were paid out.  We made certain women had true autonomy over their bodies and I'm not just talking the right to choose if pregnancy happen.  I mean all autonomy.  No longer having to fight and still be denied to have the tubes tied in your own body or worse in some states needing the MAN'S approval.  I also made sure the government paid reparations to the Indigenous on these lands along with giving them choice of where they wanted their land to be.  We made sure to protect their kids that they could never be separated by force from their Indigenous parents.  We made sure their new lands were actually protected and pipes and such wouldn't be run through them, unless it's actually absolutely necessary not just for the government but for the Indigenous themselves.  It's an actual matter of safety.  Then they need to meet with the Tribe of the area and work it out with them rather than just bullying it into being.  We brought change to the police force the very change the people of the US were crying and dying for.  

Why would this take years?  Well, I'm not an expert.  I can't pretend to know what those suffering want.  I didn't grow up on this mortal plane of existence.  So I couldn't simply compel it into being.  Instead I chose experts from these groups and put them in office.  I compelled who I had to on their behalf to get things rolling in the right direction.

It wasn't the only reason.  Children.  The fruit of the crotch.  My sister Sookie was pregnant that very first year we began working our way through the government.  I held off as I wanted to see this through.  Last year I did have my first child though.  The Viking got me pregnant.  Imagine that.  I didn't know that could happen.  Right now Sookie is pregnant with her second.  Jason also has his second on the way.  We're a happy growing family.  I'm successfully running a happy thriving Kingdom.  It's safe to say everything is working out.  As for the future?  As far as my sight allows me to see the future is clear with a minor threat here or there but nothing we can't handle.  Life would be boring if it was too perfect, right?

~*The End, la fin, konets, Owari*~

A/N: Thank you for joining me on this ride.  

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