And Straight on 'til Morning

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The Charmings knew that they had to find Henry to tell him about his father's passing. It was something that Emma knew she needed to do, but she wasn't sure she had the strength. Henry loved his father in the time they spent together, and Henry has already lost so much to magic, they didn't think he would take this all that well. They had put him in Granny's care and sent him to a small park near the docks, so when Regina told them of the magic trigger that would destroy Storybrooke, they headed there immediately.

When they got there, they saw Granny with her crossbow standing and watching for anyone who might want to harm Henry. However, when they got out of the truck, (Y/n) spotted Mr. Gold standing and watching Henry from afar, and tapped her father on the shoulder to get his attention. "Gold!" he called, and Gold stood somewhat startled as he walked towards them, giving a glance to Henry as Granny glared at him. "What are you doing here?" David asked as they approached.

"Well, my son made it clear I'm to stay away from him, so I'm spending some time with my grandson instead," Gold said, gesturing to Henry who sat on the swing.

"Emma, if it's okay, why don't you go talk to Henry? We'll handle this," Mary Margaret whispered to her, and Gold paid no heed to it as Emma walked away.

"Mr. Gold there's something we need to tell you," (Y/n) said, putting her hands in the pocket of her jacket.

"Not interested," Gold said, putting his hand up to ward them away.

"It's about your son," David told him before he could walk away.

"Yeah? What about him?"

As Emma sat Henry down on a bench to talk with him, David said, "Tamara shot him."

Gold turned to them, his face just barely giving away the fact that he was stunned, but it got more and more despairing as he looked at their saddened, tearful faces. "What? ...He's dead?" Gold whispered.

"Tamara used a bean to open a portal. Neal he..." (Y/n) started, taking a deep breath and finishing, "He was hurt so bad he fell through." Gold let out a gasping breath of despair as he looked between them before his eyes were unable to look at them any longer, finding their way to the surrounding environment. "I'm sorry, he's gone."

Gold stumbled backwards, the prospect of his son's death too much on his normally dark heart. "Bae wasn't supposed to die," he let out silently.

"Greg and Tamara, they took something from Regina. A magical trigger, a fail-safe in the curse that can destroy Storybrooke," David told him, but Gold was hardly listening.

"If they activate it, it's a self-destruct," Mary Margaret added on. "Everyone not born in this world will die."

"I know this is hard, but we need your help," David begged.

Gold seemed to be struggling with his emotions right now. He hurt so terribly from his son's death, and gulped in to manage to say, "No."

"They killed your son in cold blood, and you don't want to stop them?" David stated as Gold tried to walk away.

"They didn't kill my son. I did," Gold said, his eyes now filled to the brim with tears. "I brought magic to this world to find Bae... And now he's dead. Magic always has a price, and this is it. But I'm prepared to pay it."

"But everyone will die!" (Y/n) exclaimed. "You'll die."

Gold nodded his head in understanding, saying, "Yeah, I've made my peace with that."

Mary Margaret looked on in horror as Gold walked away form them, fully prepared to pay the price for his actions towards magic. (Y/n) knew he had every right in the world to feel the way he does, to want to die because of his son's passing, but she also knew that the rest of the town shouldn't have to suffer and die because of what Greg and Tamara had done. What they planned to do.

Only Her: OUAT/Killian JonesWhere stories live. Discover now