Philza POV
I woke up early, and saw that the others were still asleep so I just let them be. I made my way down and started making food, porkchop for today. shit were running out of coal I said to myself, we could always use logs but I don't want to chop trees for today my back keeps hurting, damn am I really that old?
I decided to mine some coal but first I got to find a cave, I travelled for a bit remembering the path I take so that I won't get lost. The sun was now rising, shining light in my face "I better hurry up or else the others might panic probably thinking I'm dead."
After sometime I found a cave not just any cave it goes down, and keeps going down. I started to mine some stone hoping to find coal. "Shit no luck" great got a stack of stone yet no coal, I decided to go down the cave planting torches as I go down, I look from my right to left and took the left path this cave is like a maze maybe this was a bad idea.
I was gonna go back when I saw an Iron lots of iron next to coals finally this was worth it after all, but before I could take another step there was a long rift "damn that's really really deep" I said before I could take another step back I turned around and saw- a person?
ꅐꑛꋫ꓅ ꋫ꒓ꍟ ꐟꆂꐇ ꁕꆂꂑꁹꁍ ꑛꍟ꒓ꍟ?
"Uhh what?" then I saw him pulling out something something sharp, shit. "look mate I don't wanna fight, I'm just here to get some Iron and coal and then after that I'll leave."
꓅ꑛꂑꌚ ꂑꌚ ꁒꐟ ꓅ꍟ꒓꒓ꂑ꓅ꆂ꒓ꐟ
What the fuck is this guy saying? "no offense mate but I don't really understand what you're saying." Before I could say anything else it moved so fast I didn't even see it was in front of me, "wait-" I didn't even realized that I was falling shit so this is how I'm gonna die huh, I looked up one last time with my middle finger to see if that person was there but looks like he already left didn't even bother to look.. well this is goodbye
I waited for my death until I felt something in my back wings? "What the fuck" (lmao am I the only one who can hear him saying this) I carefully tried to move okay this is harder than I thought after a few minutes of finally getting the hang of it I flew upwards before mobs can notice me, I decided not to stay in here not bothering to mine the Iron and coal this cave is fucking creepy. I'm finally back to where the entrance is so I quickly flap my wings ready and left the cave.
Niki POV
I woke up noticing that the bed on the other side is empty, so I decided to go downstairs letting Bad and Skeppy sleep more they're probably still tired after all that running "Morning Phi-" I said but noticing that Phil isn't here, "where is he?"
After eating and waiting for about 20 minutes, I decided to look outside the window where I can see the village "maybe his there?" I left the house and checked everywhere and he wasn't here "I've got a bad feeling about this" so I went back to the house opening the door when- "AHHHH" omg Niki you scared me said Skeppy who noticed my panic face "did something happen?" said Bad who just finished washing the dishes.
"Phil is gone, I can't find him" I said both of them were shocked "what do you mean you can't find him? they asked.
"I checked the village he isn't here and I- I have a bad feeling something happen to him" I replied.
"Okay so you guys just stay here and I'll check, see if I can find him" Skeppy said while getting ready to leave when we heard something clank clank, we all froze its coming from the roof? All of us went upstairs to check the balcony and there we saw is Phil but with wings!?

End of Minecraft
FanfictionWoke up in a world made of blocks also known as Minecraft, alone by yourself and scared... but are you really alone? This is a dreamSMP x fem reader. 𝙎𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮 Y/N woke up in Minecraft by herself with an ability called creation; in this game...